Monday, November 15, 2010

Advice from Snowflake Land

Here are some things that Harpy must do, according to the 'flakes of the moment:

I urge you, in the strongest and most respectful terms, to seek help. You obviously have issues you need to work out and frankly, I have no interest in studying under you until you get them sorted out.
Do you think you could stop screwing me out of points by posting all assignments at the last possible moment?

Yeah, Harpy is feelin' pretty darn humbled by her inadequacies, and thinks she will set off on a path of self-improvement as soon as she finishes this glass of Jameson's.

(and for the record, Harpy has a shrink, in addition to the son of James mentioned above, and her homework assignments for the semester are on her...what's that thing again...her syllabus)


  1. Syllabus? You mean that piece of paper they stuck in their knapsack on the first day, never looked at again and can't find now, and it's never occurred to them to check the course website where it's prominently posted? That thing?

  2. Ah, the thrill of being on the receiving end of neurotic projection.

    And these are the comments some admins take seriously. 'Cuz if some anonymous flake says you's the crazy, well, golly, you's the crazy!

    Imagine if we had the same "power"?

    "Dear Psycho Solomon, you annoy me, ergo, you are tossed from class forevers. Bye!" (And take your end-of-term "evaluation" with you!)

    "Dear Neurotic Natalie, you've missed 2 weeks worth of class and it's not even midterm, ergo, you fail. Bye!" Oh wait, some of you actually have that power! If only we all did.

  3. Ahh Harpy, I feel your pain.

    Just yesterday, I was again declared the most horrible terrible meanie McMean mean because I had the audacity to call out a student's work for the crap it was.

    Twenty-four embedded comments added to the student's paper, and Flakie decided to focus ire on the comment addressing Flakie's utter lack of understanding of a major component of the discipline. (The other 23 comments only dealt with minor issues like inability to craft a coherent sentence and/or follow the instructions for the assignment.)

    Because of this, Flakie has declared the assignment unfair, a declaration that Flakie is "sure other students would agree."

    In such circumstances I have taken to adopting a new cathartic exclamation (thanks to WotC) - WOMBAT!

  4. Whenever someone says, "with all due respect," then generally mean the exact opposite. It's just another way to say, "I'm going to insult you but by using faux-lawyerish language so I sound like a pompous asshole instead of just an asshole." Maybe the silver lining is this extremely disrespectful student will drop your class, as threatened/promised.


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