Thursday, May 5, 2011

Mestopholita Rages!

What in the world makes these 'flakes think they get to determine when they should take their exams based on a schedule that is convenient for them? Last I knew, there is a final exam schedule in place, and students are responsible for showing up during that time to take their exams. That we even put a "make-up day" on our schedule is ridiculous. It leads these little shits to believe that they can blow off the scheduled day, and expect me to come in on a day when I will not be in town, let alone on campus, to give them their exams. No. I will not.

One completely blew off her final yesterday, and sent me an email today "explaining" what happened.

"You see, I thought the exam was today, not yesterday. I don't know how I messed that up. I really need a good grade so I can transfer to Sub-par U to major in The Art of Toe Nail Clipping. So please can you let me know as soon as possible when I can make it up? Thanks so much I know you'll understand."

Really? No, I don't understand, and no, you can't make it up. You don't have even the semblance of a good excuse. Somehow, you managed to earn a C- without taking the exam, so leave me alone.

Another emailed me a half hour before his exam to tell me he was at a doctor's appointment.

"I thought I'd be done in time to take the test, but it turns out I won't be. So, like, I can take it any time tomorrow or the next day. Just let me know."

I can't even begin to explain to you what is wrong with this excuse. Not only do you schedule a doctor's appointment around the time of a final exam, but you then expect me to be on campus on a day that is convenient for you to make it up?

No. You can't take it tomorrow or the next day because I will not be here. You can take it when I give my last exam of the semester to a class at 4pm, oh, and you'll need a doctor's note, too. No documentation, no exam.

It's almost over.


  1. My flakiest flake ever requested to take the exam early. Her only days were available were during the study days, when we are not supposed to give exams. I did it anyway, even though it was inconvenient for me, and she assumed she could also hand in her work due on the last day of classes on that late date too. She had the gall to file a grade appeal and I was forced by fiat to raise her grade an entire letter grade. Apparently I am a big meanypants. And she gets to tell me how to do my job.

  2. Student of mine sent email "reminding" me that he would be taking the exam late because he was the bowler on the varsity cricket team, and playoffs and all.

    Except the dean informed us yesterday that the cricket team lost in the first round...hello, old bean--guess you'll be taking the final with the rest of the class.

  3. Dr. Jekyll's response: At my university, faculty are expressly forbidden from telling the students when the final is as students are expected to look that up on BlackHoleBoard.

    Prof. Hyde's response: The little sh!ts still ask anyway and are disappointed when we can't tell them. One less bit of spoon feeding that I have to do. Yay! And to the students who bothered Mestopholita - should she bring cookies to the makeup exam as well?!?

  4. Man, that's a shitty graphic.


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