Sunday, May 8, 2011

A Politician Goes Back to School

Overshadowed though it was by events in the wider world , we held an election up here in Canuckistan this past week.  The conservatives won.  The candidate of the losing Liberal party (don't let the name throw you off, they're pretty centrist) was Michael Ignatieff, a former proffie of Cambridge and Harvard.  I can't argue one way or the other about his status as an academic rockstar or his positions as a politician.  But it was encouraging to have a proffie candidate for Prime Minister, someone who approached politics with some intellect and analysis rather than innuendo and attack ads. 

Of course, the electorate enthusiastically embraced this opportunity to hand him his ass in a gift box.

Naturally, too, the campaign ads against him painted him as the dilettante effete profflake.  What else?  How could a professor of world affairs possibly have what it takes to address the issues?  Our last election also saw a former proffie systematically demolished - that time as owlish and ineffective.

So the past week has really rubbed my nose in the fact that most of my fellow Canuckistanis see my profession as essentially useless.

Having lost the election (and his seat in parliament - a big deal in our system), Ignatieff did what any losing candidate does, and went back to his day job.  The paper reports he's taken a position at Toronto's Massey College.  All well and good and yet...

I don't begrudge him his success but...

And maybe it's just the way the paper reported it but....

But Jeebus, Jumping, Junebugs in a Jockstrap, Iggy - didja have to go the Full Monteigh?  The "cozy" office.  The floor to ceiling bookshelves, (oak, one would imagine).  The en suite living quarters no less, overlooking the arboured quadrangle!  And to top it all off, a fireplace by which to pore over learned tomes.

In short did you have to reinforce every sherry-swigging, syllabub-snarfing stereotype people like to hold about perfessers?  Strooth!

My office has floor to ceiling bare cement fer crying in the rain!  Never mind a fireplace - I'd settle for a thermostat - or ventilation for that matter.  (Though in fairness, I must admit my office has a very effective irrigation system - so I frequently am, in fact, crying in the rain.) 

But try explaining that to the neighbours now. 

It's May, and semester is over here in Canuckistan. So naturally, everyone wants to know how I'm "enjoying my vacation."  Tell them I'm schlepping in to my office just like anyone else with a job, and they assume I'm taking a few contemplative hours in my study.  Not trying to arrange crowd control for the three hundred newbies who will descend on me in the fall expecting that the brand new labs in the brand new course will go off without a hitch.  Not trying to publish as the only viable alternative to perishing. 

No, my neighbours are on to my game.  They know.  They know because the most visible proffie in the land has just taken a post that makes universities look like some sort of brainiac day-spa for superannuated eggheads and peripatetic Russian nobility.



  1. Didja have to take my name in vain?! I do NOT equate to a Jockstrap, dude.

    It's May here in the ole U.S. of A. and I friggin' WISH our semester was over. Still grading, including OTHER instructor's shit cause he/she went belly up and left others holding the bag (colostomy of course).

    Well, instead I could be smoking me a crack pipe in front of a fireplace with my oak bookcases full of Monty Python tomes for *research* and *development* nudge, nudge wink, wink say no more. FUUUCKY.

    But, thanks for the laugh, anyway.

  2. @Rosencrantz and/or Guildenstern
    At least you have somewhat rational "conservatives"; all ours veer from being National Socialists to Gordon Gekko wannabes to tv evangelists. There is no center to the mainstream US Right anymore, so the fringe crazies (goldbugs, Birchers, crypto-racists, etc.) get to sneak in. Maybe this is the death-throes of the "conservative" US ideology, or possibly a mutation into something worse.

    Some words on Libya and Syria:
    The blood is running like water, Qazzafi looks implacable, the food in Libya is running out, and the bombing campaign advances nothing.

    Massive cracks are beginning to show in the remaining Ba`athist state, the people are out in Syria and the army and police can do nothing but shoot - as in Yemen. Only brute force and Saudi money is keeping the kingdom of Bahrain just that.

    And the Zahal is silently soiling itself.

  3. I think it has less to do with his job and more to do with his personality. Cold fish do not win over crowds. You can drone incessantly behind the podium in the Academy and nobody cares other than the students in the class and outside of reviews they get no vote. But, the ironworker and the secretary must be engaged in the process of politics. If your candidate has all the spark and dazzle of a monotone stone face he is in for a shocking result at the ballot box. This proves yet again that he was not ready for prime time politics. He just had to reinforce the stereotype of a disconnected member of the Ivory Tower Group. It would have been better if he was in a Timmy's with coffee in one hand and a donut in the other telling everybody how he really wanted to see a Canadian hockey club win the Cup again. ANYWHERE besides the swankiest office on campus.

  4. He did try out the Timmy's-and-donut, how's-that-local-sports-team route. Plenty of photographic evidence of it, but it did not translate into any lasting credibility. (There are a lot of toher reasons why he and his party went down in flames, though.)

    The last national leader Canada had who could be called remotely "intellectual" was Pierre Trudeau - but he definitely had a functioning personality and style that people remembered.


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