Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Lord, I Hope He's Texting

Dear Student: I am not blind. You are sitting 12 feet away from me and you're looking down at your lap--where your hands appear to be extremely busy--and you're grinning like a fool. If you're texting, stop it. If you're not texting STOP IT. Thank you.


  1. Next time, say just that. In class. In front of everyone.

  2. I agree with Myth. Just say it.

    It's a good one, and I plan to use it. ;)

  3. Bravo! A good one, indeed.

    I wonder whether students now think that texting is something to be done discreetly, like, say, blowing one's nose or removing something from one's teeth?

    Just so long as they don't think the other activity is also okay in public as long as one is discreet.

    Was it here (and last summer) that we had a discussion of the tendency of teenage boys to, um, adjust themselves in public?

  4. Ha.

    This reminds me of a crime beat article I saw on HuffPo, about the city of Madison trying to create a new law for "pleasuring oneself" in public.

    It seems that if the organ does not make an appearance in public, the self-pleasuring act is not a crime. Sometimes they are charged with "disorderly conduct" but serial public masturbaters (particularly those who are near parks and children but taking advantage of the No-Show rule and getting away with it) clearly need a system of conviction, tracking, and (if necessary) imprisonment and rehabilitation.

    lol indeed.

  5. Not to throw a wet blanket on your smackdown, but I HAVE used this (well, a very similar) comment.

    It stops them only enough to laugh, but within 2 - 3 minutes they're right back to, well, the personal lap dance.

    No shame in their game.

    Wonder if they try stuffing dollar bills in their own thongs?

  6. In one class I had a young woman texting while holding her gigantic smartphone directly out in front of her with the camera pointed at me.

    "Are you videotaping us?" I asked.

    She turned bright red and put the phone away. For a while.

    It surprises me how many students think they are invisible.


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