Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Holy crap - how did I not catch this sooner?

This is so stupid, I probably shouldn't even admit it, but I'm going to in case it helps another idio.. a fellow comiserant:

They're only allowed to use calculators on tests, not iPhones etc. (obviously).
I make random circles about the room during exams and watch for sudden movements, but never notice anything.
I do, however, use my laptop during exams (honestly, mostly to fuck around, but sometimes to write the next exam or grade things on Blackboard). 
I always assumed there was something "about the room" that made electronics act differently from at home (there's a lot of fancy media crap in there that I never use, so there are not only wires everywhere, but a bunch of wireless devices and antenna looking bits of things). 
I bet the reason my touch pad goes crazy in there isn't some mysterious interference with a dormant object.  I bet it's their fucking phones!

It's their fucking phones, right? 

Color me shamed.  I feel so stupid. 


  1. I don't know, I'm kindof retarded about those things. I do know that when I get random feedback through the speakers in the room it's because someone in the first couple of rows has an incoming call.

  2. No, probably not. I don't know what you mean by 'touch pad goes crazy', but generally RF interference is not a problem with laptop touch pads that I've ever noticed.

    Yes, if you have a PA system and hear a rhythmic beep beep de beep it's probably cell phone syncing to a tower. Maybe a call, but probably not. (In fact, it's probably the phone closest to the pickup, which means yours.)

    No need for a tinfoil hat just yet.

  3. Don't feel stupid.

    I don't think that their phones are interfering with your laptop, but I am certain that they're cheating with their phones. Just patrol. I do. Pisses 'em right off and I get a little exercise.

  4. You can get/build jammers for wireless networks (2.4 gigahertz) and it doesn't take a lot of power to jam out an entire room.

  5. What Strelnikov doesn't tell you is that the jammer is for the beginning of the revolution. Students will get no warning when freedom fighters storm the class room and arrest the students for committing acts subversive to the newly established workers' state. You will have contributed in a small way to throwing off the shackles of the working class. However, in the confusion afterwards, you'll probably get one in the back of the head like everybody else.

  6. I take offence; I was only pushing a technological Cold War, not revolution. They have their tricks, we have ours....think "Smiley's People", not "Doctor Zhivago."


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