Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Here on CM, we've seen the beginnings of some pretty entertaining stories. Snowflakes make ridiculous requests, say offensive things, send fuckheaded e-mails. I love reading these stories. The problem is, they often stop in the middle.

They'll end with something like "We'll see what happens when No-Pants Nora comes into class on Monday!" Then new posts replace the old, and I never find out what happens.

Sometimes people post a follow-up in the comments, but if that happens a few days later, I never see it. (I know some of you have RSS feed thingies that alert you whenever a new comment comes up, but I'm a Luddite.)

So here's what I want: Reply to this post with an update on a funny story you've posted in the past. If you can, include a link to the original. Let's see where these snowflakes are today. Give me something entertaining to read while I eat lunch.


  1. Shit, Ruby.

    Could we just come to your lunch spot and act out all of the things that happened instead? I mean, while we're entertaining you, you could throw us crusts from the bread bowl...


  2. My story's denouement is anticlimactic. It turns out that Hippie Dippie, the student who made "like, far out, man" comments and asked me for a fist-bump, has some sort of medical issue that gives her insomnia, and she hadn't slept for two-three days before she came to class. Now that she's got some sleep, she's bright, perceptive, and one of the more on-the-ball students. Her hamster fur knitting is coming along nicely. She's still a hippie, though.

  3. @Mindbender: hamster-fur knitting seems like an appropriate activity for a hippie. Or maybe I'm confusing it with macrame?

  4. This is such a great idea for a post... but it's a tall order! Many times these things just drop off. Maybe we should have a writing contest: "How should this Snowflake Story end??"

  5. A student told her lab partner that one of her professors thinks she's pregnant and keeps asking her if she'll 'make it' to midterms. I laughed and said one of my idiot students from last term ( ) kept doing that to me. Then I turned around and Creepy Kiss Ass was right behind me.

  6. PS I want to suggest that this topic be added to the three static links (the glossary and the rules). Things roll by so fast, I would bet people had things to say, but lost the topic before they had a chance to comment.


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