Friday, March 11, 2011

Please Don't Feed the Cuisine-Challenged Bridge Substructure Symbionts

Okay, so "parent" is better-adapted to the site's themes than the average troll, and seems to have brought out an interesting side of "anonymous" as well. But even their routines are going to get pretty old pretty fast. So, a PSA: please don't feed the cuisine-challenged bridge substructure symbionts (CCBSS).

(image and CCBSS phrase courtesy of Brook McEldowney's strip Pibgorn; it and sister strip 9 Chickweed Lane are highly recommended for academics and others with intellectual curiosity and catholic tastes).



    Thank you! I had considered offering the same advice myself. If the trolls, sorry, CCBSS's aren't fed they'll die or go away.

    I'm to the point that I won't even read their posts. Never wrestle with a pig. You'll only get dirty and the pig enjoys it.

  2. Let's do the Troll dance! Nananananana!

  3. Sorry folks, as much as I'd like to believe that CCBSSs or trolls die when not fed, the perpetuation of "anonymous'" constant prediction of CM's impending doom should be evidence that is ineffective.

    Trolls are, sadly, as much an immutable component of modern society as reality television or self-absorbed snowflakes.

    Our only solace is that, unlike general audience sites which are infested with such inanity, CM has but a few.

    But our attention or lack thereof is not going to make them go away. On the contrary, often times CM feeding frenzies do not nourish the trolls, but engage them AS nourishment!

  4. Ignoring the trolls may not make them go away, but feeding them makes them more vociferous. It's true that "anonymous" hasn't vanished, but it also doesn't matter, because ignoring it has prevented it from diverting the conversation to something much duller. As long as trolls aren't permitted divert our attention, they do no harm and don't matter. That's why not to feed the trolls.

  5. I don't feed 'em no matter what you call 'em. But how many of us remember an elementary school teacher telling us "just ignore them and they'll go away"?

    Did that EVER actually work?

  6. No, "just ignore them" never works. But, unlike the situation in elementary school, these twerps are not waiting after school with five of their troll buddies to beat you up.

  7. To be honest, I kind of enjoy making fun of old Chicken Little, a.k.a. anonymous. The blog is failing! The blog is failing! Wahhhhhh!

  8. I actually tend to agree that we get at least at much fun out of them as they get out of us (probably more). But it seemed to me that people were getting a bit too caught up in arguing with "parent" -- who would be a fun addition to the conversation if *not* taken too seriously, but a distraction if everybody feels the need to answer him/her.

    Plus, I like the combination of politically-correct and pseudo-scientific language in "cuisine-challenged bridge substructure symbionts," and thought it went well with this blog.

  9. "I don't feed 'em no matter what you call 'em. But how many of us remember an elementary school teacher telling us "just ignore them and they'll go away"?

    Did that EVER actually work?"

    No, but walking up behind them and nailing them in the head with a bookbag full of heavy hard-cover science books usually convinced them to leave us alone...

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Let us TAUNT the trolls! With any luck, they will become so cross, they will make a MISTAKE...

  12. Oooo, I know! Let's feed them to Strelnikov!


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