Dear Students,
I have read through the rough drafts. Because they are drafts,I am grading them leniently (this term; might change next time). Basically, I grade it on how well you can follow directions.
Remember kindergarten, where we learned how to follow directions? Guess what, you still have to do that in college! I know it's weird that a piece of information from 12 or more years ago would come in handy, but there you are.
And this will sound crazy, but put down your crack pipes and beer bongs and pay attention: If you don't know something, like what the directions are, or how to follow them....ask! I will always give you an answer. That answer might be "it's in the book" -- but that's an answer!
My cats have learned to come when I call them. One of them even figured out the trick ball: if she bats it, treats come out, then she can eat them. Given that, I have every confidence you can learn how to cite your sources. Or that you can at least open a book or website and copy the model.
I mean, you guys are so good at copying other things. Why can't you copy the examples?
In conclusion, since the dawn of time, grading student papers has driven me to drink. You never learn, and you show that while you can parrot the correct answers you cannot use the knowledge you supposedly learned. I would weep for the future of our country if I had any tears left.
Point well taken! Since they're SO good at copying, how come they never seem able to do it right when you want them to copy?
ReplyDeleteAlso, if you really do date from the dawn of time, your picture shows you sure do look great, for your age. Is "has driven me to drink" really a cliche here, if it's factual?
Ooh, smackalicious. Me likey.
ReplyDeleteif you really do date from the dawn of time, your picture shows you sure do look great, for your age.
ReplyDeleteIt's because OO is a goddess, and thus has eternal youth. Or at least has access to the Apples of IĆ°un.
The question is, when she was first driven to drink, was it in a chariot drawn by swans or by goats?
it's the same with all technology for the flakes. they can upload videos of themselves playing beer pong while still drunk, but they can't open Blackboard and find my fucking email address.
ReplyDeleteI have rough drafts coming in this Friday. Eeeeee.
ReplyDeleteHahahahahahahahaha.... aaahh...
ReplyDeleteThat is all.
Drafts are due: already, I want someone to shoot me yesterday! I'll pay you! I'd ask a student to do it, but they'd just eff it up.