Tuesday, October 19, 2010

on the other hand, there are those moments of joy

This photo shows the place where the rainbow r...Image via WikipediaI was teaching a senior class yesterday, a dozen of us sitting around a table doing a close reading of a text, and the students were enthusiastic and the discussion was lively and I had a sudden epiphany - what a wonderful job this is, that has these moments in it.
Sure, there are the administrators and the 300+ - student courses and the snowflakes and the marking and and. But on the other hand, occasionally I get to spend an hour with a dozen enthusiastic, well-informed people discussing an abstruse subject for the sheer pleasure of nailing down the truth about something; and we never need to ask "how will this make us some money?"
How many jobs could give us that?
I've been cheerful ever since. The academic life is not perfect, but it sure has its highs.
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  1. It can even happen in gen ed courses, when a student is really excited about his/her research topic (and it will actually work within the parameters I've set out). But, at that level, I think it's more likely to happen one-on-one that to the whole class at once (though that's possible, too).

  2. Yay! I have to admit that I have had a pretty good semester (for the most part) with some pretty groovy students, mostly in my developmental writing classes. My particular student population is inherently frustrating for a variety of colorful reasons, but this semester there are many students who are pleasant and working hard.

    This is bad news for the local booze store, though.

  3. Yeah. There is a lot of suck, but as jobs go, it is surprisingly excellent.

  4. Precisely 32 years ago today, I went into the U. S. Navy. If I'd stayed in, I might be an admiral, by now. Thank all that is good that I didn't: this is a much better life, with much more meaning and purpose to it, when things go well. I now have a non-traditional research student who is a lawyer: he might drive a Mercedes, but you don't catch me going to him to do a research project.

    Things don't always go as well as they should, however. It disturbs me to see a noticeable decline in student preparation and skills in recent years. Then again, I am in a position to do something about it, and do something about it I can and will, so help me.

  5. God I wish the graphic was bigger, big enough to obscure the text.

  6. Nice to see some non-misery on CM. I aspire to be like your students. Keep up the good work!


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