Sunday, November 14, 2010


Because, like, everyone's doing it:

PS From Fab:
When importing video, look for the "embed" 
option. That will usually allow you to 
insert the actual video onto CM instead of just a link.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I wrote one of my crazy, blacker-than-pitch-black rants on how if I had been the instructor, when little Miss Priss escapes in her helicopter I would have walked to the roof, fished an RPG-7 out of it's hiding place, and blasted the chopper out of the sky, mujaheddin-style (yes, in the rant I had a rocket-propelled grenade stored on the roof for just such an occasion.) But then I thought, "what about the CMers who think you are a raging psychopath? The ones that don't get Gonzo humor?" So I deleted it, the first or second time I have ever deleted anything on this blog. And yes, at the end of the rant I would have surrendered to the cops and gone to jail, but it would be far better to rot in jail than allow idiots, congenital snowflakes, and the spasmodic gibbering children of the ultrawealthy into my college (if they want an "edukashun", they can go to an online school.)

  3. When one of my colleagues kept appearing in West African garb in class, he asked me why I didn't wear my own "ethnic" clothes from Starvistan. (He himself is not West African, nor has he spent any significant time in West Africa.)

    I noted that I could bring my AK-47 to class as that was sometimes part of my field attire, but I figured that would cause something of a ruckus. He looked a bit ruffled. I smiled sweetly and noted that I - could - wear my bulletproof vest instead.

  4. It's not a matter of weaponry, it's a matter of `flakes; I don't care if their shoe budget is vast enough to pay for building a new student center and staffing it with female and male prostitutes, if they are wealthy snowflakes they don't need regular college.


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