Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Coming soon to a class near you: Timmy!

I love the program that creates these and am grateful for those who go to the trouble to entertain us. Sleepyprincesszzz posted this at YouTube.


  1. This is too close to true to be funny. This is why K-12 teachers need tenure, and until recently, they had it.

  2. I love me some misery-nice one.

  3. I think the "my child is a flippin' genius" claim is a modification of the "OMG I have such a cute baby!" thing all first-time parents do....I wish they would actually look at what they are really doing to the child; it's not a puppy or a kitten, it will grow into an adult human being and who really wants Ted Knight's idiot nephew from "Caddyshack" as a relative?

  4. I recently had a helicopter parent put me through something similar... at the post-secondary level.

  5. I had to put up with this bullshit last spring. The administration knew the shithead was a shiftless motherfucker but did nothing about the shithead because his tuition checks did not bounce.

    The best part? He managed to focus on his assignment long enough to complete a student evaluation. That's okay. I left a gift in his academic file.


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