Her moniker for her duties here is Leslie K. She's taught in both History and Education departments, and recently returned to the classroom after 9 years as a Dean at a small liberal arts college in the Midwest. She's married to a neat guy who's better at making homemade brew than he is at anything else (isn't that enough?), and they have one 18 year old daughter who "turned her back on her family" and is in her first year of college at a "mammoth party school in the west." (Quotes are verbatim from Leslie K.)
Unlike me, she's not a romantic about RYS (which will please some of you and annoy the rest!), but I've had some great conversations with her about CM, and I believe she's far better prepared to run the site than I am. I have stressed how important the continued protection of the anonymity / pseudonymity of the site is, and all I can tell you folks is that I'm confident that the site, our shared space, our text, our identities, and the future of CM are all in good hands.
I feel a little flaky about begging off the duties after only about 5 months, but feel I don't have the time, energy, or perhaps the thick skin that the page sometime takes. I love it here, though, and will absolutely remain a commenter and - perhaps - a future CM correspondent. I have enjoyed meeting all of you, and am glad that I got the page up and running. It seems like so many of you have fun on the site, and I trust it will continue to grow.
I trust you'll give Leslie K. a chance to make the page work. She assures me that she's going to commit to running things for at least a year, and then see where the page is. Let me allow her to say hello.

When Fab - who is a dear man, truly - and I first talked about me being involved, it felt like an easy move. I am half in love with so many of you already, and absolutely check CM in the morning before even my own email - or my daughter's Facebook page...ugh, don't ask.
Should you have any questions or concerns, please send email to the College Misery address in the sidebar. Fab will run things until December 1st, and then I'll come aboard. I hope the transition is simply seamless and unnoticed.
I have been in the blogworld enough to know that moderation is a necessary part of things. Very few of the folks who come here are eager to be abused or bullied, so it's not going to be tolerated. A slightly expanded set of "misery rules" appear at the top of the sidebar, but feel free to contact me if you have any comments or questions.
My only goal is to help this excellent online community and "academic water cooler" thrive. And of course, to one day meet Yaro to see what color the sky is where he lives.
Leslie K.
Ah, welcome Leslie! Don't let them spook you.
ReplyDelete(Initiators, prepare the goat and the gelatin. . .)
Don't be a stranger, Fab.
Thanks for all the work, Fab! Do hang around; we'll miss you if you vanish.
ReplyDeleteThanks for taking this one, Leslie K!
I'm really new to College Misery, but I appreciate any "behind the scenes work" that occurs to keep it going. Right after I started blogging here, there was a big controversy about some bloggers attacking others. I could tell that Fab took this to heart and really made an effort to do the right thing. Things have settled since then and it has returned to being a very fun place to rant AND share experiences and laughs. Welcome Leslie K and thanks. Thanks Fab; didn't" know" you long but appreciate your work. On CM.
ReplyDeleteDitto on all of that...thanks, Fab and welcome, Leslie K!
ReplyDeleteNow who do I talk to about changing the orange leaf background to some snow scene!?!
Thanks to Fab for getting things going, and to Leslie for continuing them; I appreciate both of your hard work, past and future.
ReplyDeleteIt's so strange to see honest biographical stuff here. Part of me hopes that this is completely made up and Leslie K is really a Pakistani man who is 28, single, and never intends to have children.
ReplyDeleteBut that's cuz I like our secrecy. Welcome Leslie K! Fab, stay true. CM quickly passed RYS to become something altogether different -- if anything, this blog seems a little more positive than RYS. Seems impossible, yes?
Ps, I too check this blog before my email.
Welcome, Leslie! Fab, you'd better not make yourself scarce. You are part of the reason this place is so much fun.
ReplyDeleteHi Leslie -- welcome aboard; and thanks, Fab, really, thanks so much.
ReplyDeleteI hate that Fab is bowing out, but totally understand. I just hope it gives him more time to write posts like this one! I don't know how I missed it the first time...
ReplyDeleteDear Snowflake Senden,
Yes, you missed this summer's final. It too place exactly as planned, at the same time as it has been scheduled for the past 12 weeks, 9 am on Thursday. The rest of us ALL made it. Somebody (that loopy lady who sits up front) brought 24 Krispy Kreme donuts.
I ate yours.
You didn't arrive for the final, yet we had it anyway. Everyone wrote and wrote like the dickens. Then I graded them over a deadly dull sandwich I got out of a machine, and then I added those scores to the scores of other projects and assignments, and I got a final grade for each student - even you!
Then I put those final grades into the big computer and in a few days your transcript will be electronically updated.
So, no, I could not care less about how you forgot or got confused, or whatever. There are no makeups or extra credit. The semester, my friend, is over.
I'm at home now. Your name and face are already fading from my memory.
I am wearing underwear and nothing else, unless you count my lobster bib.
Your pal,
Dr. Fab
"I will be turning moderation of the site over to an academic pal who has been reading CM since the beginning. She's a first rate person"...
ReplyDeleteGood lord, I thought it was going to be Katie.
Really, folks. What is it about RYS/CM that turns moderators into Spinal Tap drummers?
Don't be a stranger, Fab. Thanks for all your work.
Thank you Fab! And welcome Leslie K! Your hard work and dedication are much appreciated. I'm so glad that we have this site to vent and commiserate. It keeps me sane.
ReplyDeleteThe lobster bib is comedy gold.
ReplyDeleteFab, hope to see you posting all the time; new role, still part of the misery. Thanks for getting this up and venting at such a terrific rate.
Welcome, Leslie. Like you, I find the blog "instructive" as I like my dose neat, without the simple syrup base and gumdrops-on-a-toothpick faux "olives." That distinguishes it from dear departed RYS on one hand and the unctuous many on the other.
I pray to the spaghetti monster that the page improves on December 1st. I have so much respect for all of the people on this page. I am not bullying or disrespecting you when I say, this place is a yawn. I want to spice it up.
ReplyDeleteAnd that's just around the corner. I have some December 1st plans, too, but I'm not going to announce them. Though I have muc respect for Fatsun, I would prefer he wrote his long note about his girlfiend in his journal instead of on here where we should be respectfully debating why B-School rocks.
Welcome, Leslie! I too have a child in college, and it's been quite the eye-opener.
ReplyDeleteI'm even newer here than Prof and Circumstance and yet feel much affection for Fab. Please keep posting, and thanks for your patience in helping me get started here.
Welcome, have a cookie!
ReplyDeleteAnd thank you, Fab. I've read everything form the beginning and so I can say that, well, I have too much time on my hands, but also that you've done a great job.