Saturday, December 18, 2010

Full House.

We are once again at 100 CM correspondents.

If you are not using your access to post, consider giving up your spot. You can always comment as long as you have a Blogger, WordPress, or LiveJournal login.

There's a good portion of correspondents who do not post at all, and freeing up some of those spots would allow other folks the opportunity to join in.

Leslie K


  1. All I can think of are Bob Saget jokes....

  2. I defy anyone to name even 20 different people who have written on this page. And using 20 different names doesn'twork. Many people on here have several identities. Southern Cracker admitted in the post below he voted 7 times, one each for each of his log in.

    I'm going to love it when it gets revealed that the entire population of this page is 4 guys at Miami of Ohio..

    Sad, mofus, let me tell you.

  3. Are you in the John Birch Society or something?

  4. Nope, not a guy, nowhere near Ohio. But could we vote Tim (Not Jim) off the island, which would be a much more meaningful poll?

  5. I agree with T(nJ), this site has fewer than 100 actual authors. I'll bet there's one guy with at least 30 different identities who never posts. Wake up people! Every day, dozens of CMers do the same damn thing - they do not write about anything. Is that supposed to be a coincidence? Pu-leaze. They all choose to not comment about the same articles every day. Pretty obvious to me that a few people have multiple accounts.

  6. Any time anyone asks to join the blog and there isn't a space left, the admin can just check which author hasn't written in the longest time and cut that author, right?

    I don't think someone can get access more than once easily. Doesn't the admin know who we are? She knows who I am.

  7. If it is easy, I'd like to know what's up with the 100 authors. Are there really 100 people? Is there an easy way to check this? Are they all different email addresses - although that of course doesn't even matter.

    Has there been a drop off in postings?

  8. Hi ELS. We're at 98 currently. In fact a long time and quite active correspondent deleted this morning. The explanation was fairly simple; too much thought and focus on the negative parts of the career was having an impact on the person.

    There is no way for me to easily track down IP addresses for all of the correspondents, which, I think, would be one way of finding out how many different posters there actually are.

    The page averaged 2+ posts per day in July, 4 a day in August, 5 in September, 6 in October, 5 in November, and about 5 so far in December. Tough to gauge a rise or fall especially with the way school often peters out post-Thanksgiving.

    Leslie K

  9. I don't actually care too much about all these "who's in / who's out" machinations. There are a number of funny folks who write here and I'll keep coming back until I'm bored by it all.

    I try to take part. I don't comment on things when I don't have something to say, but I read most of the comments.

    I would like some regularity in things, though. I'd love it if Yaro was up every Friday, and Beaker Ben had a list every Monday. And Archie on his day, Stella on hers, etc. That would bring some stability.

    Just an idea.

  10. @Darla,

    That was the "regular" idea back on RYS. It worked for a while there, but it seemed to peter out after a while. Maybe Cal or one of the other former moderators has a good account of why that happened, but my impression was that writing to a deadline didn't suit the people involved.

    That said, I'd be happy to see a Beaker's Top-Ten list once a week, and I can think of some others I'd be glad to see on a "regular" basis, so to speak. The problem, as I see it, would be the logistics: figuring out who those people should be, and then figuring out who should post what and when, especially given that we can't contact one another directly. And I don't think it would be fai to Leslie to make her work it out from her perch.

    My guess would be a Larouchian rather than a Bircher, but it's all the same.

  11. Darla and Archie,
    I was one of the regulars. We were asked to post once per week for a month, no long term plan.

    For me, it was hell. As soon as I had a deadline, I froze. I'm flattered that you like the lists but they pop out of my head whenever the muse decides to visit.

  12. Some folks who were regulars liked the idea of having a deadline; most did not. We did it for 4 weeks, and after asking those who were involved about continuing it, the feeling was, no.

    There were other "regulars" who wanted in, but who only submitted one piece or so before begging off.

    I, too, think that some sort of stability would be needed for the blog to really work well. It's going to be all over the place, otherwise, and there are obviously some things that are cool about that, too.

  13. This is a really great idea: if some of the regulars could challenge themselves to write for sure once a week, we might end up having some regularity.

    Me, personally, I like having 5 or 6 posts a day. I take a break from research about once every other hour, and checking this and one or two other blogs makes for some light relaxation.

    I went through the list and counted 22 names I did not recognize. Since I DO recognize over 50 names and sort of recognize the rest, I highly doubt that this page is just 4 guys at Miami Ohio putting out a bunch of crap content.

    I expect the page to dip a bit in the next month. But maybe we should step up the tone a bit. Less dire straights, more engagement?

  14. I think AM makes a good point. It's been my experience with a few blogs, and another group blog, that it takes some work to keep content good and the readership stable. If it's just a a hit and miss affair, too many first time readers leave confused.

    Leslie K

  15. This is like performance art. The lonely old ***** who sits at home and writes this entire page is awfully bored. Why don't you just get a girlfriend or something.


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