Monday, December 20, 2010

I’m a Nice Guy, Really!


I’m new to College Misery.  I teach computer stuff at a prestigious, world-renowned university.  OK, well, it’s well-known in the sense that the people who work here remember its name.  I teach in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave, but even I am not simpleminded enough to think that blowing off steam doesn’t have repurcussions. It’s not much of a job, but it’s all that I have, and I’d rather not lose it, so we’ll just say that I teach at The University of College, located in one of our finest states.

My job here is not secure.  I am not one of those tenured people, whom we refer to as Faculty-with-a-capital-F, as opposed to mere faculty.  I refer to them as "the effers", though most of them are really quite nice people.  There are a few, however, who believe that anybody with tenure is, by definition, a higher class of person that anybody without tenure.

My students generally despise me, due to my ludicrous policies, which include:
  • No late homework
  • No cheating in the bathroom during tests
  • Being a senior doesn’t mean that you pass
 Students are generally astonished by these policies, don’t believe that I will enforce them, and then blame me when I enforce them.  Hence, I am The Devil Himself.



    Ave Satanas!

  2. I'm glad Leslie K. started this "Howdy" business. It's interesting to meet and greet new voices. Welcome, Beelzebub. You'll find plenty of "fallen angels" for company here!

  3. I also have a policy that makes many of my students think I'm devil incarnate: copy-pasting stuff from the Internet into final essays is unacceptable and earns a grade of zero for the entire essay.

    "But that's so unfair!" they always exclaim. But what can I do, I was just born evil.

  4. @Clarissa -- in my classes, that practice usually earns a trip to the Honor Committee on the way to an F. But I have to admit that I just resorted to giving a zero instead, since I was quite sure from circumstances that the student in question wasn't trying to deceive me; he just hadn't learned to cite yet (so he will take the course again, until he does). Saves everyone, including me, some paperwork.

    @Devil: Welcome! As a teacher of a must-pass-to-graduate class, I especially like your articulation of the unspoken rule about seniors and passing. More than one student has found him/herself in summer classes after officially "walking" at graduation because I, too, do not subscribe to that rule.

  5. Welcome onboard, The Devil Himself. I'll try to keep the obscure references* to His Satanic Majesty at the bare minimum.


    * The "shemham forosh" thing was a bit of dialogue from the late-60s documentary "Satanis."
    I know a million of `em...

  6. If eating kittens is evil, then yes, I am evil.


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