Friday, December 3, 2010

Kalamazoo College Flash Mob. Today's VidShizzle.

The most flexible Provost we've ever seen.


  1. very very cool.... and give it up for the Dean of Students!

  2. Forwarded anonymously to our new university president + all of my students in advance of her Holiday Party by way of inspiration. (Also with a note that says "Please, just no XMas Carols"

  3. Love it! Even the president is up there at the back right at the end...stage left? I don't remember. But was in A Charlie Brown Christmas 10 years ago...I was SCHROEDER...I'm not kidding. Santa Fe's boards have never been trod more, uh, nervously.

  4. Cute, and infectious. But I must admit that I'm glad that there's absolutely zero chance my job will ever include dancing on stage. This looks more like the sort of thing that periodically happened at my high school -- and that's one of a number of reasons I wouldn't want to work there. Still, the administrators look like good sports, and it's nice to see a range of gender, race, style, and body shape among them as well as the students.

  5. I'm with cassandra on this...kalamazoo college looks like a fun place. I can't imagine Katie could teach there!

  6. @BlackDog: You have a way to forward things anonymously to your students *and* your college president? That sounds intriguing, and tempting -- maybe a little too tempting.


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