Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Bad Teacher. Today's VidShizzle.


  1. I hate to type this, but: least twice.

  2. I have got to see this. I plan to model next year's teaching persona on it entirely.

  3. So far as I can see, this is just "Bad Santa" with a female grade school teacher replacing the drunk santa/store robber.

    Watch "Stripes" again instead.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. (The above removed after some appalling sentence structure.)

    I can't wait until I get tenure so that I can actually WRITE "What the fuck are you thinking?" instead of just thinking it.

    At present, I sometimes use a stamp that Atom Smasher made for me. It simply says "WTF?," which I think it has plausible deniability. The few recipients of the WTF stamp have speedily made appointments for office hours to resolve what the fuck, exactly, is going on with their assignments.

    (You can use Martha Stewart craft stuff from Michael's to make some crazy shit. Like useful feedback stamps.)

  6. I LOL'ed. And then I thought, shit. Don't need this--at least not in WI right now where they're already telling us that we're lazy do-nothing leeches.

    Fuck it. At least we'll have a good laugh.

  7. Way to keep it going, Strel! No flies on you!

  8. At present, I sometimes use a stamp that Atom Smasher made for me. It simply says "WTF?," which I think it has plausible deniability.

    I remember reading a comment by someone (on RYS maybe?) who said they had written WTF? in pencil while reading a colleague's paper, forgotten to erase it, and then when the colleague asked what WTF meant, said, "It means, 'What's That For?'" Good save.

  9. Yeah, right. And RTFM means, "Read the friendly manual."

  10. "read the FINE manual".

    ...and god help me...I laughed out load...repeatedly through the entire trailer (just like I did a Bad Santa in the movies...which I watched instead of doing desperation christmas shopping the year it came out)...

  11. Oh man, I'm going to suggest going to this movie as a departmental social event at the next meeting.

  12. Oh come on, Strelnikov: it's got Cameron Diaz in the role she was born to play. I HAVE to see this.

    Also now I want a WTF?! stamp for my papers.

  13. I made a stamp that says "HUH?!" It works really, really well...And there's really not much innocence I must feign.


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