Tuesday, February 1, 2011

My Gratitude Notebook

Thank you, Supreme Deity, for adding two students to my already overcrowded classes a week after the final enrollment date. Rules are made to be broken, eh?

Thank you, dear Department head, for making jump me through endless hoops last semester to obtain an Independent Study for a student, including coming up with a reading list, a syllabus and topics for six assignments.

Thank you, immediate supervisor, for interposing yourself between me and said student, giving him a bunch of assignments that conflicted with mine, acting shocked when I objected and admitting that you never read the independent study application even though every damn draft was cc'd to you.

Thank you, students, for assuming I'm omniscient and asking me if we will have school tomorrow.

And thanks to all the proffies out there for just being you.

1 comment:

  1. Your Supreme Deity and My Supreme Deity have clearly been having coffee like Moon and Birdboot in that Archibald MacLeish play. (Wait, Wikipedia says their names are Nickles and Mr. Zuss. Who the f*ck are Moon and Birdboot?

    Oh, right, Real Inspector Hound. Look! All of my second-semester-sophomore-year-English crap got shaken up and regurgitated from inside my head.


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