Sunday, April 24, 2011

Rules Note.

Hi everyone.

It turns out that "Aperture Lab" was just "honest_prof" posting under another moniker, in violation of a blog rule. You will also remember that he at first posted under "anonymous" for a while before I convinced him to take a real name.

Fairly recently he'd made an announcement he was leaving, so I was surprised to see the tracking on his new moniker lead directly back the same machine at the same university. "Aperture Lab" certainly had the same sort of approach to commenting on this page.

For better or worse, I'm going to continue to require members to use a single, unchanging moniker on this site. It build community, and enhances accountability.

CM Moderator


  1. Before my old pop died he taught me a valuable lesson.

    Once an asshole, always an asshole.

    You know the anonymous and honest aperture asshole will be around again (let's guess his next name!). And he'll be easy to spot.

    Thanks Fab.

  2. I would have bet money "apeture" was honest_prof. What a turd in our punch bowl. Thanks for keeping the streets clean.

    I don't get why people don't understand the concept of the page. We're not here to go after each other. Is that so hard? There are lots of things to bitch about without making fun of Froderick, who was truly one of my favorite correspondents here.

  3. You have all been very kind to that jagoff. He would not have lasted so long on an academic blog I run. He was (and will remain, if Will's pop is right - and I believe he is) an asshole.

  4. Yay! Turd in a punch bowl. I'd forgotten that lovely saying. I will use it tomorrow when a student delivers an excellent project with some horribly missed (but simple) error.

    Good riddance to whoever. His name already escapes me.

  5. One thing RYS didn't have to deal with publicly was this sort of commenter-rage that occasionally pops up.

    Because we managed all posts and replies, it was only the team of moderators who had to put up with bullshit.

    I think it's a time-consuming process to clean the page of people who are simply here to puff out their chests, but I'm glad someone's doing it to keep CM as sane as possible.

    Remember the mission statement here, people, and let us "let loose some of the vexation that builds up while tending to student snowflakes, helicopter parents, money-mad Deans, envious colleagues, and churlish chairpeople."

    It's been said before. Don't snipe at community members - even when they're snipable.

  6. Yeah, let's hear it for Fab being Fabulous.

  7. Aperture was the guy who was telling Frod the telescope he used was for old farts whose programs had no money.

    Classy dude. I am fairly new here, and this incident shows me that this page is serious about keeping it civil within the community.

    I like that. I've felt pushed out or ostracized at many academic blogs. I hope to fit in here. Now, let me tell ya about my chairperson!!! What a nut! LOL.

  8. Looking forward to that post, Pencil Pusher....

  9. This rule makes sense to me. There are a few personae (Yaro, Richard Tingle, Anastasia, Strelnikov) distinct enough that they might justify their creators also posting under more workaday identities, but presumably if that is happening, the moderators are free to quietly turn a blind eye. That's fine with me. Those that put in the work get to make the rules, and any exceptions they choose. What we don't need are trolls who sound exactly like themselves whatever name they adopt.

    The fact that ape[r]ture/honest_prof/anon may have created an identity specifically designed to attack Frod really bothers me. That's sick behavior.

  10. Oy veh. For a wee bit of time, honest_prof seemed to have joined the ranks of the productive commenter. I wonder what happened. But I agree, a firm hand is best with these sorts.

  11. I hope Fab can let Frod know who the creep was. I really liked Frod.

  12. It's like honest_prof entered a "latent phase" in which he was a seemingly normal poster.

    And just recently, he had finally convinced me that he wasn't a troll. I've got half a mind to think that the latent phase was just an experiment to see how long it would take people to finally accept him.

  13. Bring back Frod!

    "Honest-Prof" huh? Whenever I hear someone claim that they're "just being honest" or "politically-incorrect" or say they "call a spade a spade" it almost always seems to really mean they're really about to be a rude asshole.

  14. Christ on a cracker. Why can't these assholes just go the fuck away? Oh, because they live for getting a rise out of people.

    So, new tip: Next time some [new name same assdouche] posts a comment that's obviously meant to inflame, let's all just put on our "I can't hear you" headphones and continue on as before, without responding to obvious assdouchery.

  15. Good plan. I was wondering why people were being polite to Aperture, who was clearly being an asshat from his first post. Better to ignore him.

  16. @ Compound Calico
    RYS didn't have commenter rage but it had crazy emailers, which is like a private commenter rage. Honest_prof seemed to me like he was always forgetting to take the medication that kept the voices away. Now that I know that this person had three handles on this site I can classify him as a Super Troll/Stalker.

    Come back, Frod! Come back....

  17. I gotta admit, he (or she) actually made me google "aperture labs" to see if there was a real organization by that name.

    There is, but they're an IT security company, not a "high-tech lens" company.

  18. "I just also happen to work at Aperture Labs in their high tech lens division. I also teach adjunct classes at a local junior college and I have the highest Scantron scores of anyone they've ever had there."
    - Aperture Labs

    And the cake is moist and delicious, right?


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