Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Summer Help.

Listen, we need the lightbulbs changed, the mouse traps cleaned out, and the ammunition pantry re-filled.

Well, not really, but I was just channeling some "compound" schtick for the old timers.

For the new timers reading us, we're heading into the historical doldrums of summer. This is a great time for new writers to get on the page. Even if you're not one of our 94 "CM correspondents," it is easy to submit material for the page.

Just email the moderator anything you've got, complaints about your students, hate mail for that colleague next door who plays Yanni all day, a top ten list of things you hate about that smelly, smelly Dean.

We'll get it up on the page for folks to read, and we might even add one of the de rigueur fuzzy graphics.



  1. I've thought about sending an email or two, but something about summer makes me care less about the flakery. Perhaps it's the sunshine.

  2. It because you're away, or the boss is away, or the campus is half-empty....summer school is like college without the riffraff (except for the people you teach.)


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