Saturday, May 7, 2011

UBC-Vancouver LipDub. Today's Canadian VidShizzle. "Smells Like Gumdrops and Childhood Acceptance."


  1. I did not realize that there were so many good looking young women in the great white north. Very nice.

  2. We usually stay indoors when foreigners are around.

  3. Ell-Oh-Ell. Good job, kids. OK! I'm outting myself here on these channels as a Western Canadian Proffie. I taught a handful of courses at UBC before this asst prof deal at another Western Canadian Uni. The campus there is lovely.

    MA....i wish we could ID each other for a nice little chat without fear of repercussion :-D I'm guessing you're also lamenting (or heavily drinking/blazing up) because of the recent federal outcome too.

  4. I spent the happiest years of my academic career at UBC--the setting around the campus really is as drop-dead gorgeous as the last part of the video suggests. My department rocked too. As I told my then-colleagues just before my temporary post ended, I loved teaching at a school with both a clothing-optional beach and a full-service liquor store on campus!

  5. I also spent a few years at UBC. Beautiful place, and the only all-over tan I ever got. :)

    Dr. Cranky - if I drank, I would still be drinking. I am frankly terrified. All I can say is, all those morons who say "oh it won't be that bad, there are people in his party that are right-wing theocon nutbars but he's not one himself and will keep them in line" - I truly hope they're right. I really really do. I will be delighted to be proved wrong.

    But I think that he's been maneuvering for years to get into precisely this position and now that he's got it he's going to hit the ground running. Four years from now I'm not so sure I - or you if you're female - will even have the vote, never mind control of our finances or our bodies. There will be many more poor - and many of the new poor will be women and children - many fewer "middle class", many more out of work, and the rich will be fewer in number but much much richer, and all of them male. And Harper will say that this is all as it should be and the poor deserve it. And meanwhile, he will have stacked the courts and the bureaucracy so that even after we manage to throw him out the damage will have already been done.

    But the worst of the damage will have been the change in our mindset. I think there's a very good chance he will have rewritten how we think things SHOULD be.

    Canada used to be a good place to live. Five years from now it's not going to be.

    In fact I'm petrified. And I just want to give a big "thanks for nothing!" to the 40% of the population who couldn't be bothered to get out and vote.

    Yes, I wish we could ID each other somehow and chat!

  6. O Canada. You were the place I was going to run to. Now what?

  7. Once again, I end up seconding Frog and does Canada end up right wing too? Yeesh.


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