Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Ancillary Adjunct Sends In a Job Hunting Post.

Out of my entire cohort, I apparently am the only one landing interviews to adjunct. How? I am not sure, but think it might be the fact that I am willing to work at night! I have two interviews this week for adjunct work at two year colleges. The first words from the chair when he called was, “The class is at night—do you even want it?” I responded that nights were fine with me. What I didn’t say was that this gig is a dream—teaching one of my favorite subjects. So, I’m going for the interview today. Wish me luck!

The second interview I have lined up for later this week is even more promising. A great phone conversation with the chair and the fact that I hold two bachelor degrees in related subjects made him very excited. I don’t know what class or classes I will be asked to teach, but it’s near my house. With gas prices hitting the roof, that will definitely help the budget. Maybe I can get two sections!

My first gig was at a four year university, but with budget cuts, don’t think I am going to land anything for the fall semester. The rumor is that they’re slashing sections if they have less than 20 students this coming semester. My night class was under 20 students. But, the night students were motivated. They held jobs, dealt with family crises, and some were older students. For the most part, they were determined to do their best. That might be another reason I don’t mind teaching at night….


  1. Ancillary, good luck with getting decent placements! I hope you get as many sections as you want/need. And with good students.


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