Monday, June 6, 2011

Sometimes they do remember...

Last summer I taught an upper-level class on hamster fur weaving. I really enjoyed it and it quickly became one of my favorite classes. This past week I found three postcards in my department mailbox. One of the students in that class, who graduated last Fall, was on a trip and visited a museum that had exhibits on uses of hamster-fur. The student sent me three postcards and wrote some nice notes about how much she enjoyed the museum exhibits because of what she learned in my class. That was a pleasant surprise. Sometimes they do remember what you cover in class, even after the final.


  1. MA&M, thanks for that. Despite the bazillion reasons why we convene here, there is the occasional heartwarming story like that. :-)

  2. MA&M, same here.

    I was slogging thorough my most recent "But is it REALLY wrong to cut-and-paste" plagiarism dance when I saw a vaguely familiar name in my e-inbox.

    A student from three years ago was writing to thank me for helping him understand the value of true critical thinking and focusing on seeking empirical evidence. After several years of working in law enforcement, he had finished his degree and was in the process of applying to law school.

    Given how demoralized I was by the other student, this was the sort of pick-me-up that keeps me in the game.

  3. I love those. I got an email a few weeks ago from a graduating student saying that she'd just won her program's writing prize, and she credited my class a few semesters ago with giving her the basic skills she needed, even though she always thought of English as one of her worse subjects. It definitely brightened the end of the semester.


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