Friday, June 10, 2011

Adjunct Cartoon from Inside Higher Ed.

Just remember, boys and girls in adjunct land, we should be grateful we have a job!


We got a note asking that we respect the "all rights reserved" 
notice on Mr. Hall's cartoons.


  1. Wow ... that was quick.

    Sorry, thought by preserving all of the originating/identifying information the rights were being respected.

  2. That was probably a robot email; they now have software to check for rights issues....this is why certain videos on YouTube vanish so quickly, because certain media companies send "spider `bots" through the site.

    BTW, Mr. Hall's cartoon is ugly as hell.

  3. @ Strelnikov--agree on the ugly factor, but isn't that only fitting, considering the situation of adjuncts?

  4. Ugly, indeed, but it hits very close to home -- and not only for adjuncts/contingents, I suspect.

  5. I like Sam Folkchurch's drawings better.

  6. @Ancillary Adjunct
    Yes it fits perfectly, but the drawing style looked too much like Gahan Wilson's work to my liking.


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