Monday, July 4, 2011


  1. I started to write a "Coolest College Students Ever" post about the signers of the Declaration of Independence but there's a lot of those dudes. Wikipedia didn't provide a lot of info about them all, it's late and my 3rd of July party wore me out. I gave up.

    I did learn that one of the guys was nicknamed "bacon face" and that another's descendant was David Crosby, so the effort was not entirely a waste.

  2. In other news, is wishing its readers a "Miserable 4th."

    We should challenge them to a tug of war.

  3. Happy 4th o' July to my American colleagues!

    And congratulations on kicking the royals to the curb lo those many years ago. I wish we'd had the cojones to do it.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Or just by dumping a bag of Cheetos over anonymous's head!

  6. And then we can barbecue that damn duck. While setting off reservation fireworks.

  7. Duck dinner and rez fireworks sound pretty damn good!

  8. The 1:07 pm "anonymous" comment was deleted because it was posted by a former community member who has posted under a variety of names in the past, including "honest_prof," "aperture lab," and, "anonymous.

    To follow up with a question I occasionally get, not at all the "anonymous" comments have come from this source. The main "anonymous" aka "Terry Franklin" is the one who's always predicting the demise of the page. He actually emails me fairly often, and I've learned over time he's a big fan of the page, and the "the page is dead" schtick tickles him.

    But other folks have used "anonymous," and in one case I intervened because it was a community member who was arguing with himself in a comment thread. That member no longer posts here.


  9. Wow. Next time I see the "page is dead," I'll cheerfully reply "long live the page!"

    The other deleted 1:07 guy? Clearly in the running for most boring commenter on earth.

  10. I like the 4th of July because I like explosions....we need to find this other anon and strap him to a disarmed Scud missile and fire it at the Moon.

    "First Tool Reaches Moon" the headlines will say, and we will all smile.


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