Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Booze and plagiarism

Dear Copying Clyde,

When I tell you this paper is plagiarized,you would be wise to not argue with me. More specifically, when offered a chance to explain to the department's committee what went wrong, spinning a false tale of inadvertently copying a friends old paper lent to you for "guidance" makes prosecuting the case very easily. Especially when said friend says you accessed his computer without his permission.

Thanks for reducing my grading load.

Dear Buzzed Brian,

I really like your project ideas. Some of them are similar to project I would like to do on my own. But you probably want to reference local laws regarding the production of alcohol before presenting your results in an academic forum.

But if you want to sell the still, let me know.

My dearest Comrade Clint,

Why did it take two weeks to figure out what points you will collect your data at? Seriously, a list of coordinates! You aren't working, you don't have classes, collecting and processing this data is the only thing that stands between you and a degree! Get the fuck out of here! Please! You are in my way!

1 comment:

  1. Lindsay Publications will sell you a book on how to make a still for 12 bucks, written by Dave Gingery (stock no. 6060)'s an interesting place to buy reprints of metalworking, woodworking, electronic, chemical books.

    Seriously, everybody needs to put that bottle down, look into that grimey mirror at the gas station bathroom, and ask themselves "What the whisky tango foxtrot am I doing?"


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