Saturday, August 6, 2011

bad saturday haiku


the creatures of the
night chatter me to sleep. this
buggy world, summer.


and barely tenured, i cling
to summer while the

executive deans--
six-figured, well coiffed, clueless--
steal the season from

me, slicing tiny
pieces of happiness from
my summer skin with

edicts, emails, and
otherworldly schemes. it is
summer, dammit, time

to breathe, to feel the
waves of my own, small, distant
youth in the heat that

also reminds us
that we are not in control.
summer. mine. mine. mine.


  1. I love your stuff more and more. Thank you.

  2. I'm not usually a haiku fan, but I really appreciate this one.

  3. lovely, make CM a better place.


  4. I'm feeling much the same about emails, though most of them are my own fault, since I volunteered for some (paid) committee work over the summer, in which I'm glad to actually have a voice. And I respect the person who's running the project, and the colleagues participating in it.

    We aren't getting decanal and provostial edicts yet; they're pretty good about sending those a day or two after the majority of the faculty will have completed their syllabi (which, actually, is convenient, since it provides an excuse for ignoring anything one wants to ignore).

    Still, the "mine. mine. mine." feeling is definitely there.

  5. No, mine. mine. mine. !!! Love every word and nuance expressed here.

  6. I can't tell if you folks are very nice by nature or if you just have low standards. :-) Thank you. Writing like this really helps me work out my inner rant.


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