Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Richard Found This on Gawker, So It Must Be News.

Punish him for crimes
against the state?

Or is extra credit
his only fate?

Dartmouth Chemistry Grad Student Busted for Meth Lab

28-year-old Dartmouth grad student Randy Lamberghts was arrested for attempting to manufacture meth in his apartment. He was a chemistry major, if you can believe it.

According to his bio on a Dartmouth lab website:

Randy Lambreghts received his B.S. in Chemistry and M.S. in Biochemistry from the University of Ghent, Belgium. His current research involves identifying novel components of the Neurospora circadian clock using classical genetic mapping as well as next-generation sequencing techniques. He enjoys travelling and plans to see all of South America after graduation.


  1. Because I hate meth, let me plug him in the head at 1000 yards with a Dragonov rifle....

  2. "He was a Chemistry major, if you can believe it."

    Well, I guess they gotta learn it from somewhere!

  3. "He was a Chemistry major, if you can believe it."

    Well, I guess they gotta learn it from somewhere!

    Well, we can put this example in that other thread right now about how me make a difference in students' lives. Some chemistry prof can be proud.


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