Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The 2nd Interview: Protodenouement and a little ellipses abuse.

Ok - I'm not just trying to make up words to steal fiddle guy's thunder - I'm just hoping there will be a real denouement to add to this in a few days. 

Before I even had to ask, they said that while it's not really in their hands, they're passing up the pipes that they'd like to be able to have me work part time until my contract is out, if at all possible... if they select me for the position.   So nothing is definite yet, and it's a gov't job, so it might not be possible, and they might hire someone else anyway, but... It was just as the responses to my thirsty suggested.  They know the nature of my current employment and they know they want someone who won't lightly bail on a commitment. 

Thanks to the CM community for the wise input and kind support.


  1. Indeed. I hope they pick you (and that they're able to convince the higher-ups that temporary part-time is possible).

  2. That's awesome, Wombat! Crossing fingers and toes for you.

  3. No luck :(

    But thanks again, everyone.

    I cried for half an hour. I'm so discontent. I don't know what to do, but something has to change work wise. The stress of the end of the term and waiting for assignments is going to do me in. I'm constantly being told that I'm over qualified or that the job I want is beneath me. Why can't I be the judge of that? Graduate education is a burden. Don't do it unless you want academia for the rest of your life. I don't want this anymore, but because I have it no, no one will let me have anything else. It isn't fair and I'm totally miserable.

    I know I just said "it's not fair", and that is the battle cry of the baby-people we have to work with. I hope this feeling passes soon - but I'm just going to go back to crying now, because I can't think of anything else.

    Thanks again.


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