Thursday, September 1, 2011

First DayShizzle.


  1. Compound Cal
    is back on form,
    wasting hours
    spying on dorms.

  2. Is it really voyeurism when the spied-upon post these little clips themselves? Certaintly Cal had to watch this schlock and then hack it down and string it together....all the "real" peeping tom Bluto Blutarsky did was steal a ladder and sneak over to the sorority house.

  3. There's a sweetness to their collective dorkiness. And in several instances, some of them even have a hint of that nervous, scared energy they must've had as first graders, before some bastard beat the joy of school out of them.

    O, the awkward days of youth, when one is too young to know how awkward one truly is.

  4. So shiny and new, they are. I like freshmen, all their goofy puppydog energy. It's the older ones who should know how to be in college by now that I want to hurt.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. I notice that all the "up next" videos are about weapons. Is that part of the joke? A coincidence? Youtube's idea of what somebody who watched a video by a user with "compound" in his name might wish to view next? Obviously, I'm not very knowledgeable about youtube and its workings.

  7. "I notice that all the "up next" videos are about weapons. Is that part of the joke? A coincidence?"

    I think you can rig Screw'dTube to show x number of unrelated videos after the linked one finishes....I've seen this done before, and I think it was a joke.

    "Obviously, I'm not very knowledgeable about youtube and its workings."

    To be honest, I dont think the people running YT know how it works either, or even what the hell is truly popular on their site.

  8. I actually can kinda feel for the girl with the printer issues. Students pay a lot to print on campus here. Having your own printer is definitely a necessity, even for faculty in their offices as we aren't given many prints or copies a term either (my new colleagues were lovely and I got a hand me down that works just fine for my office use).

    Yes, it's a small problem, but if you have to pay 10 or more cents per page and your teachers require you to print off assignments to turn them in that can get expensive fast....

  9. Awww. They're sweet!

    What they care about (presuming that Cal chose a representative sample of each video): setting up their rooms, meeting people, how hot it is outside, what they're wearing, and that there's one boy in one class who's cute.

    What they don't care about: their classes.


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