Monday, September 19, 2011

When your fucktard colleague says...

"I want to know what you REALLY THINK about this."

Do NOT, under any circumstances, tell him the truth.

Let him have his fantasies.



  1. Amen, brother Bubba.

    Every fucking time I have said what I really thought of something, it comes back to bite me in the ass. I have found, over the years, that "Be honest with me" means (calling Captain Subtext!) "Tell me I'm pretty/smart/doing the right thing even though I know it's going to end horribly for all involved."

  2. It goes without saying ( and then I say it)
    this is double true with deans and other admins who really just want "faculty buy in"

  3. Ha ha!

    I don't have much of a poker face, but I'm getting really good at the smile-and-nod.

  4. Fer crying out loud, why didn't you post this yesterday?
    I just had a meeting this afternoon where I did just that.
    I was met with a longggg, silent stare. Followed by more silence. And more staring.


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