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The oft-requested "Meet Gordo" avatar |
- Could you do some work on acting as a gateway to posts? Yesterday, for example, 9 posts went up. Other days, 1-2. I'd think posters could self-monitor this a bit. The last post of the day went up on top of 8 already posted after 11 pm. That doesn't make any sense to me. I'm all for people posting, but if there are already 8 posts up, why not use the date function and let it appear the next day. I mean we all can see the list of posts, which ones are up, which ones are scheduled, etc. It doesn't take much sense to realize that if a post put up today in the morning is drowning under 8 others, that it might as well not been posted at all. I'll put my money where my mouth is, too, and will check the number of posts that appear on a day before jamming mine into the last opening.
- Would it be possible for you to stagger the posts a bit? There have been big variances in number of posts per day. I understand weekend will be lighter, but there are some weekdays where a ton of stuff goes up, and it makes the page hard to work through. Isn't someone in charge of setting a limit of posts per day or something. I love reading the page, but somedays it is not worth the energy. Do your members know if other members have posted? Or are scheduled to post? It's more confusing than it has to be.
- I'm not an old RYS fuddy duddy, but that page's moderation kept at bay the occasional sprawling set of posts that infect this site sometimes. I mean, people post for the most part things that fit the mission of the page, but seriously, some of the stuff is just too inane and personal to really be of any value to a larger group of readers. Please remind me your writers that there is a much larger set of readers who don't post than do, and if you care at all about what readers think, maybe they could keep that in mind. And that goes for the moderator, too, sorry.
I'd love to get some feedback on these issues below, if you have the time.
Ooooo! Squee! Lookit Gordo!
ReplyDeleteGet a life, e-mailing dudes. Either the page is moderated for wit and flair in the way RYS was (i.e., we decide you are good enough and you can go suck it if you're not) or it isn't. Right now, it isn't. Each week there are a number of posts I could do without. And that, my friends, is what the scroll bar is for.
These people want Wittgenstein but they get the sprawl of "Les Miserables" or "War and Peace." You want simple? Go over to:
Nothing but nude women all day, every day; very few words.
Reply to #1: I could, but I don't feel like it. Maybe you'd like Beaker Ben, Strelnikov, Bubba, and Fab to take a break. I, however, don't like to curtail genius when it's on a roll. Plus, if I try to slow them down, they won't let Cash send me the good shit.
ReplyDeleteReply to #2: I could, but I don't feel like it. As a note of concern, if reading isn't worth the energy, you may want to see a doctor. That doesn't sound healthy.
Reply to #3: I admit that we tend to have sporadic outbreaks of inanity, but the antibiotics keep the general infection under control. No medicine is perfect.
Reply to all: If you're not happy with the direction of CM, there's always the option of not reading. We won't be offended. You can make like Katie from Kalamazoo and leaf. Or is that make like a tree and BFF your students. I can never get those straight.
On the post scheduling issue: I use Google Reader to keep track of posts on College Misery, among other sites. Because Reader displays titles, flava, and read/unread status for each post, it's easy to cherrypick posts according to my mood and how much playtime I have left without worrying about missing something if I don't read each item as it's posted. It also obviates the need to check a variety of sites individually for new content, since it checks each site and then centralizes the content from all of them.
ReplyDeleteIt's not as good as having an editor to insure a perfect College Misery experience, but those who want to control their own experience more easily can use the subscription link at the bottom of the homepage with Google Reader or any other RSS reader.
I agree with Frog and Toad.
ReplyDeleteI can usually work out within a couple of sentences whether or not a post is something I'm likely to be interested in.
If it is, I keep reading; if it isn't, I move on. Simple, really.
I agree with F&T and Defunct Adjunct - we all know how to skim read and focus on the relevant-to-us stuff surely, seeing as we're academics, and this is a place for relaxing, not having more rules.
ReplyDeleteBy all means Gordon, tell these people to fuck off. "it makes the page hard to work through"? Shit, your job must be easy if CM wears you out. This is what happens when we give keyboards to idiots. You are the type of people who enjoy forming committees. I hate you.
ReplyDeleteI was going to post a snarky comment about how I went on vacation last summer, but people just kept posting, and when I came back I had 47 new posts and 35,648 comments to read and oy!
ReplyDeleteAnd then you had to go and post a heartwarming email from an anonymous reader who loves the site! And it just ruined the moment.
You bastard! (kidding)
But seriously, we've all been posted over, and we've all posted over others. Even trying to wait for a lull in the conversation can backfire. If someone chooses not to read past the first post, that's their choice, not Gord's responsibility.
The fact that so many don't appear to read further probably limits conversation on some posts. But if Gord tried to prioritize material for the readers, and steer them to the 'best' posts, he'd get far more hate-mail than he does now. Besides, we have to do that enough for our students!
Oh, and some of us enjoy the sporadic outbreaks of inanity.
I wish I could find a way to accurately get across how many folks read the page but are not posters or commenters. Over my short time here, I've gotten a handle on the active page participants, but there's a much larger group of people who simply read the page and occasionally send me messages as the only recipient of the "email" link.
ReplyDeleteThere were 7000 page loads yesterday, and my stat software shows me that an overwhelming majority of those were just single page loads, meaning when someone comes, they view the first page and its 10 or so posts, and don't click to other pages. It's actually mildly rare that someone views 3-4 pages during a visit.
Anyway, let's say 4-5000 unique visitors saw the page yesterday. Well, there was a total of 8 new posts yesterday (after I took down the much loathed stat page), and 6 unique posters. There were only 50 comments, and several of those were multiples from one person.
There are at MOST 85 CM correspondents. Imagine they all checked in.
There are still thousands of unique visitors to the page unaccounted for in our known population.
I'm not saying their point of view is any more or less important. But I do get enough feedback, positive and negative from them to make me think the page is theirs, too.
Here's a note from yesterday in fact, a common one I get:
God bless the miserable curmudgeons of CM! I am half in love with this page and half in love with my new single serving coffee maker. But SRSLY Gordon, all of you have saved my sanity over and over in these past months. Just when I think I'm half crazy, I read Stella or Ben or even teetering-on-the-edge Bubba, and I know I'm not alone.
Could I have a nickname? Don't post this, but I wanted someone to know!"
I get that every day from someone, usually someone who's just discovered the page. Many folks remark, in fact, "I'd comment on the stories, but I'm afraid my name would get out there."
Anyway, I asked the question above, and I'm writing this comment because I wanted to share the perspective.
Have a great day, everyone. Be Yaro!
I always knew Gordo was a bear. Rrrrrrrow!
ReplyDeleteWhere's all that feminine energy now, Strelnikov!?!?!?
I've been reading for years and this is my second comment ever, so I guess that qualifies as a lurker.
ReplyDeleteAnd I always read all the way down until I see something I've seen before. What's supposed to be so hard about that?
All snarkiness aside, I wonder if the 8 posts a day is typical. If not, then this is just a scheduling blip. Some posters don't know how to schedule a post and others don't care. I worry that any solution to this problem will be a bigger pain in the ass than the problem itself.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Beaker. I don't like it when my posts get buried - my post from Sunday is already on page two and holds the record for the fewest comments ever, despite being closer to the core mission/topic of this blog than some of what follows. I only post every month or two, so that is a bit disappointing. But any solution is likely to be worse. I'd rather have the blog be somewhat spontaneous and alive than regulated to death. The surges of posts are only an occasional and relatively minor annoyance.
ReplyDeleteI've been here every day since the page started, and though I've never commented, I'm glad to know that Gordo at least understands that the page is read by more than just those who write for it.
ReplyDeleteI think it's remarkably well run, and am grateful it exists.
Although there is a bit of a closed-system feel to it at times, meaning the writers seem to be aware of themselves and no one else.
Yet, it's great fun and therapy.
I do wish, and would vote for, a bit more regulation. But wouldn't put that on any moderator.
Bravo I say, as another longtime lurker who needs my CM fix every day!
ReplyDeleteif I just say "woot woot," will you know I'm with ya??
ReplyDeleteI love it all.
I've commented a couple of times before and have been reading the site since its inception, though I have no toe to dip in the academic waters (I work in IT). Recommend it to friends all the time who are working in higher ed.
ReplyDeleteWhen there are lots and lots of posts and I'm waiting for a committee to tell me what they want me to do, and then change again, and then delay until they can have another meeting, I'm thrilled to be able to read posts & comments galore. If I don't have time, I wait until I do - but generally read all the posts and most of the comments. Seems pretty simple to me. Sometimes I have the fortune of reading a post that had subsequently been removed - oh frabjous day! Then I feel special.
I've noticed a trend on Twitter and other microblogging sites to repost material that originally went up several hours before, or a few days prior. But this isn't Twitter, and posts are chronological, and people should be able to figure it out.
I think the page is great and hope you continue just as you are. Sure it gets busy and slow and so on, but that's the nature of things.
ReplyDeleteI can scroll or skip or just catch up over one week. It's not a big deal.
But, I keep reading about 80+ writers. Where the hell are they? If it's not Gordo or Bubba or Ben, I really don't see many people making use of the forum. Just a reader with my 2 cents.
I appreciate the feedback, and the perspective, and don't see anything wrong with individual CM correspondents making an effort to space things out if they feel like it (and if the steam build-up in their heads doesn't require immediate relief). I do think about these issues, and have used the scheduling feature on occasion to delay a post so it doesn't prematurely bury something that just went up, and/or is generating a lively comment stream. But seriously, this *is* a volunteer effort, on the part of a bunch of folks who are already pretty badly overworked, not least the moderator (and we do need a moderator). I'd compare us to the somewhat-anarchic camps of Wall Street protesters NPR has been covering (and my local paper seems to be ignoring), except, despite the fact that I probably agree with much of their mission(s), I'm not sure most of those folks are overworked (in fact, in some cases, the problem is that they can't find work, which pretty much describes the country at the moment -- a bunch of seriously stressed, overworked people *with* jobs, and bunch of even more stressed people *without* jobs. Hmm. . .I seem to have channeled Strelnikov, or a less incisive cousin, for a moment. Where was I?) And a month or six weeks ago, the complaint was that there wasn't *enough* new stuff, there were too many links, etc., etc.
ReplyDeleteIt's an academic blog, people, which means that it follows the rhythms of the academic year, and will inevitably offer more content when its target audience has less time to read, and vice versa. 'Tis the nature of the beast. It seems to me that posters and readers can meet half way, using some of the excellent and not really very complicated techniques mentioned above.
P.S. to Gordo: nice picture!
P.P.S. to everybody reading but not commenting: first, thanks! Feel free to continue on as you are if that's what you'd prefer, but also feel free to jump in. It's not designed to be a closed system, and it takes 5 minutes to set up a google identity that has no connection to your real-life one.
I hate to tell you that I just wanted to pop my head to second what others have already said. Us lurkers are part of things, too, and I hope that the regulars know we appreciate their hard work.
ReplyDeleteI may be quiet, but I'm out here, too.
ReplyDeleteHats off to all the folks who keep this place rocking.
I especially love Yaro, Archie, and Wicked Walt. I wish they'd all post every week.
I haven't officially posted here yet, but I do try to comment when I have something relevant to say. I earned this moniker back at RYS, so I guess that qualifies me as old school. In any case, CM is my lunchtime treat. The more posts, the better, as far as I'm concerned - I'm always happy to scroll down.
ReplyDeleteI appreciate everyone who takes the time to post and to comment, and hats off to you, Gordo, as well!
I agree with the other lurkers, I appreciate the regular posters for making this page what it is. Personally, I love coming home to 8 new posts. It's the bright spot in my day!
ReplyDeleteThey need to adjust their meds.
ReplyDeleteThat picture of Gordo is hypnotizing!
ReplyDeleteI, too, am just a reader, but was so glad to see my kind mentioned in the post and comments above.
This is a one of a kind spot in the blogosphere. Only here do I think I'll hear the unvarnished truth, and it truly makes my day to come and see what the various RYS/CM characters are up to.
Like some of you, I'd be happy to hear from some of the regulars nearly every day.
Yaro, where are you?
Some of us lurk and do not comment because of the disturbing behavior by some of the regulars and the moderator. Most of the comments seem of the stroking type (you actually had a dog vs cat survey) and there is very little open discourse. While you call this an "academic watercooler", most of the comments just spread gossip and unsupported statements that are contrary to academic ideas.
ReplyDeleteSome have said, "if you don't like the site, don't read it". However, you have taken the academic label, we academics expect you to maintain the academic spirit.
Just did my part. Now there are two Tuesday posts up. Frankly, I'm also of the more posts the better mentality. It's how I spend my lunch. It does suck when there are so many posts that mine doesn't get 50 comments. But, hey, it might just be that the my posts aren't 50 comment worthy.
ReplyDeleteIs use of the scroll function really such a monumental task?
ReplyDeleteCount me as someone who reads most all of the posts.
Also, since I check relatively frequently, I rarely have to click through to previous pages.
Some of us lurk and do not comment because of the disturbing behavior by some of the regulars and the moderator.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I got kind of irritated at the snark thrown at me a few days ago for saying a link was broken - turns out it was broken only for me. But hey, I work with people who post broken links ALL THE TIME so it wasn't too farfetched in my reality. But whatever, it's the Internet, no room for twisted panties.
Anyone criticizing Gordo can go suck a rope.
ReplyDeleteAs for what "we academics" expect, I know, I shouldn't feed the trolls ... however. If you don't think this blog is academic enough for you, feel free to a) become a contributing member so as to steer in a different direction with your own posts, or b) if it's clear we're fucked past all recognition, then start your own blog that will represent your definition of "academic" adequately, according to your own tastes.
As for numbers of posts - sure, it would be nice if contributors noticed there had already been 5 posts today, and scheduled theirs for tomorrow, if they can figure out how to do that. That's a good idea. Good point. It's hardly ever going to matter, though, because usually the problem is that there are too few posts. And I'm surprised at how many people seem to have had the time to write to Gordo to complain. Haven't you people got work you're supposed to be doing? Oh, right; of course you do, that's why you're here. At least, it's why I'm here. Forget I asked.
re: content of posts - this is a group blog. There will be a wide variety of posts. Suck it up. If any of them break the Rules of Misery I'm sure Gordo will take them down. And I love the stats post btw. I look forward to it every month. Please don't stop putting up stats posts.
Gordon Presto is the living embodiment of Jesus, Buddha, Cary Grant, Sylvia Plath, Billie Holiday, and Benjamin Franklin all wrapped up into one person.
ReplyDeleteBubba, well, of course.
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm also Fab, Leslie K, Compound Cal, Angry Archie, Beaker Ben, and, well, you, too.
I write it all for myself from my duplex.
You can see it here.
Sometimes I open up CM, look at a post, and think "CM is not your blog..." There are some people that just want to post everything that goes through their head. If you're posting every day, that's probably too much.
ReplyDeleteBut then, what is the alternative solution? I don't have a problem with scrolling, but there are some very intelligent people that don't post often and deserve center stage once in awhile.
So maybe the SUGGESTION that people should post no more than once a week? I don't know...
When I first read this, before there were any comments I thought "Finally, some real god damned mail that isn't written by real god damned crazy people." It's ok to be critical in a not totally insane way. I didn't comment sooner because I'm guilty of what Stella is describing and then I just decided screw it - commenting isn't the same as posting, so it's ok, right?
ReplyDeleteI recognize myself (and a couple of others) in the complaints, so I'll try to keep better track of how frequently I post. I just don't pay enough attention most of the time. I'll work on that.
Wombat, I love your posts. I look forward to them as the bright point of my day. I would hate it if you were to start posting less.
ReplyDeleteI am an all-the-time reader from very near the beginning and an all-too-infrequent commentor, and unlike one of the lurkers above, I have *never* had the pleasure of reading one of the subsequently-removed posts--it is the bane of my existance; always a moment or two too late to the party. But I LOVE it all up in here, whatever the flava of the moment. This site feeds me when I most need nourishment. My only frustration with the site? My school's filter doesn't allow me to comment on 'blogs from my work computer--and sometimes I really, REALLY need to vent. My hope is twofold: that y'all keep doing what you're doing, bullshit and all, and that Yaro starts doing it more often.
ReplyDeleteDear Moderator,
ReplyDeleteI just took a crap. Can you wipe my butt for me?
Love your avatar, Gordo. (For those who don't recognize him, that's French porn star Francois Sagat.)
ReplyDeleteI don't check in daily, so don't always know what has been UP all week or all day... but it doesn't bother me to see a bunch of postings pop up. More to love. More to love!