Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Hi. The last 12 hours as seen an uptick in abusive email aimed at the moderator. Those parties are not welcome on the site. If you don't like the site or how it's run, or who you imagine gets to have a voice on it, then perhaps there's another academic blog where you'd enjoy the process more.

I apologize to any CM community members who get winged in this temporary flare up. Fab is helping me moderate today, and we're not about to let the page devolve.



  1. I thank you as well. I think I speak for 95+% of us when I say that I come here to read snowflake stories and intelligent discussion about academia laden with swear words, not to watch random ire directed at hardworking volunteers.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. I would like to ask honest_prof (also aperture labs and some other names) to discontinue commenting under "asst dean."

    It is yet another violation of the CM rules.

    Should you wish to be reinstated on this page under a single (new) moniker, I will allow it, as long as you act in accordance with the rules from now on.

  4. Sounds like someone's fallen off his meds again. Thank you, moderators, for all you do.

  5. Thank you! Your work is much appreciated!

  6. Thank you! I am so sorry that blogger doesn't allow you to simply block identities or IP addresses entirely. Is there a blogging platform that would allow that? I mean, does someone here know?

    Sorry also about the emails. You should not have to put up with this. I suppose you can block email addresses, but a sufficiently determined crazy abusive idiot will just keep inventing more.

  7. This calls for some Real Damn Mail!

    I hope the College Misery Moderator Misery website provides some relief.

  8. Good lord. Thank you for doing this work for us--we appreciate it.

  9. I just want to offer my own personal thanks for making this site what it is. This site has played a major role in keeping me sane, as opposed to going postal. I love the posts on this site and I especially love the opportunity to come here and vent.

    Thank you.

  10. I second Ben's call for some Real Goddamn Mail here. I could use a laugh today.

  11. Sorry that people are so hateful. I am pleased that you restored the link back to the main page from the logo at the top, although I wouldn't have written you an e-mail to say so, but thanks for this and all the other stuff you do.

  12. Dear Fab and Wilhelm,

    I think your eyes are pretty.
    You have a delightful way of brushing your chin when you think thoughtfully.
    Fab has a profound look in his eyes; Wilhelm has a dark way of staring down snowflakes and gradflakes and gumpdrop unicorns that is better than my speech about the classroom being a democracy or an autocracy.
    I find your laugh to be deep and calming.

    (At least, in my mind...)

  13. Another appreciative thumbs-up. This blog brings me joy.

  14. Ruby said it very well, I think (funny how profanity and seriousness go together here; I think it has something to do with actually caring about the enterprise in which we're engaged).

    As for the other 5%: maybe you should start your own blog, run to your own specifications? Really, it isn't hard, or expensive, or anything like that (just time-consuming, if you try to do it well). Please? Pretty please with sugar on it? and a cherry on top?

  15. I apologize here as well. It would appear to be the case that the hackers got into the blog and used my moniker. I don't know if that is connected with the barrage of comments here or not. I thought it might have something to do with using a touchpad instead of the usual mouse when I posted that comment. I don't know. But it was not my intention to "spam" this thread with 1000 copies of the same comment.

    I can't delete the comments. The mods will have to do it. Sorry!


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