Thursday, November 10, 2011

Penn State Students - Today's VidShizzles.


  1. Stay classy, Penn State.

    For the first 24 hours, I was pretty "meh" about this. Until I read about the details of child rape. And me -- a person who argues against the death penalty, who thinks 25 years in prison is way too long for any crime -- I was brought to tears for those poor kids and the institution that covered up their suffering for so long.

    It's insane the power football and other sports can hold over a populace.

  2. The more I think about it the more appalling it is. Taking his keys away and forbidding him to bring children on campus? What, so that his future rapes of 10 year olds will only occur off-campus, to limit Penn State's legal liability? The fuck?

    The Onion has a good, very dark, article on it: Sports Media Asks Molestation Victims What This Means For Joe Paterno's Legacy"


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