Monday, December 12, 2011

I'm really sorry Associate Hamster Counting Professor died, but...

The all day reply-all fest has to come to an end.  I swear to God, you people are going to make me puke.  If you are still commenting on each other's comments tomorrow, I'll reply-all something that will bring each and every one of you to tears... out of fear, by the way, not loss!

In particular, professor who has reply-alled a reply to EVERY STEP of the conversation:  You should be beaten with your own keyboard.  What are you, Mr. Van Dreissen?  The initial trip down memory lane might have been acceptable, but when you wrote a fucking poem, you should have waited for the port to wear off before you hit send.  Tomorrow remember to thank god for making you a geology professor, because if you were in the humanities, I think that poem would have been grounds for dismissal.  I read better poems in the bathroom of the junior high where I used to sub. 

And lastly, to the twit who told the poet "that was beautiful", remember that everyone will know it's your fault when we wake to his all night fortified wine fueled multi-message epic tribute poem, and park accordingly far from the rest of us.


  1. I have experienced some of this reply-all problem, though not on such complex issues. Mostly it's things like, "hey, here's the new hamster training certificate program, send your thoughts" and I get 10 emails of "that's an awesome program!" and "yeah, what tenured-prof 2 said!". Reply all should be banned. If you really want to reply all, know how to copy and paste all the email addresses.

  2. My school is part of a district of several other schools - so you can reply all to the entire district! What this means is that if someone left a pencil in a room at a school I've never been to, I (and hundreds of others who don't know you, or your gd pencil) might get emailed about it! That is the tip of the iceberg. People die, people get married, people get sick, people wrote a story, people saw a roach...on and on. Also, someone sends their information to Nigerian royalty every day AND downloads several viruses...IT literally has to send a message EVERY DAY!

  3. Without reply all, I never would have found out that my next door colleague was getting a divorce.

  4. Ah. Reply all. I remember you fondly from the late 90s. Back when you meant something.

  5. @Crazy Math Prof: I do too, and I recall the juicy, personal reply-all postings to listserv discussion groups!

  6. I'm on a big disciplinary listserve that *still* does the unannounced reply-global thing and it is a freakshow. I won't even post to the list for fear of fucking it up-- I suspect the majority of members feel the same because only a small handful of people post anything.

  7. I like to hit "Reply All" just to write "Me too." It guarantees that everyone knows I have an opinion on something that is the same as someone else's opinion on said something.


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