Saturday, February 4, 2012

A Few Messages for My Students This Term

Answering Andrew: Thanks for raising your hand again. I appreciate your eagerness. I am at a bit of a loss though, as your answers are usually so far off from reality that I am having trouble finding some nugget to pull out. I’m usually pretty good at finding the pony in the poo, but you’re a challenge. I’ve also noticed that some of the other students are starting to roll their eyes when your hand shoots up. That’s not good. And this is the second time you’ve taken this class, which is a basic methodology class for your major. That is also not a good sign. I will do my best this semester to steer you away from that iceberg I see on the horizon, but I worry that you have no rudder.

Read-It-On-The-Web Wilma: No, that is not a scholarly source. Did you skip over that entire section last week? No, the President is not flashing secret signs to other members of his secret ruling cabal, and no we are not ruled by shape-shifting lizard people. No, that means “hook’m horns” not “I wish to sacrifice your child to Baal.” Your final paper is going to be a real joy, I can see that already. Hopefully we can work on your ability to judge sources as the semester continues.

Alice the Ace: Yep, you’re a good student. You’re already one of my favorites after you took my class last semester. You do the readings ahead of time. You don’t dominate the discussion, but you do volunteer answers. Furthermore, they’re usually right, and even when they’re wrong, they show you’re thinking about the subject. I look forward to working with you through your paper this term. BUT NO, YOU STILL ARE NOT ALLOWED TO TEXT IN CLASS!

ENTHUSIASTIC ETHEL!: Use your inside voice please! Your enthusiasm is gratifying, but I am not yet that deaf. Maybe try some decafe?

Tiny-Bladder Ted: AGAIN? Maybe you should sit next to the door instead of all the way at the back on the other side of the classroom, and maybe you ought to see a doctor. I was born a decade before your parents and my bladder can wait an hour.

Athletes All: Great, you’re team mates. Must you all dress alike, wear your hair the same way every day, and then sit in a small gaggle in the corner? It makes it very, very difficult for me to learn who among you is who. Or is that the point?

C-Minus Sid: You do realize that if you have to get a C- it should be in subjects that are far outside your major? Averaging a 70.2 in the basic intro class for your major? That’s bad. Let me make this clear. You pump up the ol’ GPA in your major and any course outside your major you especially enjoy. Wait, a 70.2 DID pump up your GPA. Oh my.


  1. The guys from the team DO all look alike! In fact I asked one, that was sitting by himself, "Are you on the team?" He said, "Yes. How did you know?" I didn't know how to respond to him.

  2. I have an Answering Adam in my class this term. We have only met for two weeks but I have taken to letting him speak and not commenting on it at all....just continuing with what I was saying or calling on someone else after he is done. It almost seems like it is working----he is not trying quite so hard to speak. His comments seem well meaning but are completely off base----like, I wonder what he is even thinking about as it seems to be far from the classroom topic. I tried talking to him about it and he shrugged flippantly and said he has ADHD and could do nothing about it. Sigh.

  3. Answering Adams really take the part about class participation to heart. That is the reason why, for a couple of semesters, I didn't count class participation as part of a student's grade--until my chair hit the roof.


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