Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Snowflake Mail

Dear Proffie FML:
Why didn't you tell me how strict you were with your grading guidelines? I'm like SO disappointed with my grade for this weeks paper, I've like NEVER had a grade this low before.


Dear Preposition Patty,
With your gregarious use of the word "like" we both know this is not the lowest grade you have EVER recieved. I do appologize that my review of how to write a paper, what I expected, the accompanying handouts, and the ruberic within the syllabus did not prepare you for the realities of academic writing. I can see why your grade disapointed you, as it disapointed me too.

Best Regards


  1. What terrifies me most is that this may very well be the lowest grade she has received. Remember, she was born into the generation that got trophies just for participating.

    1. Interesting, vaguely appropriate aside...
      Two weeks ago my youngest got a medal after the last game for playing community rec-league elementary school age basketball.

      Quote: "I don't deserve this. Our team was terrible. We didn't win a single game." That last sentence is verifiable and true because, gasp, they kept score! On a scoreboard and everything.

      It was my proudest moment of the season.

  2. Oh, please tell me that this is in fact what you replied with...

  3. I'm guessing your review didn't emphasize spelling!

  4. I wish that is what I replied with. I also wanted to include "but don't worry, if you complain enough to the Dean they will fix your grade so no worries!"

    1. More than once, I've been tempted to scream that if a snowflake gets every other student in the class to sign a statement agreeing that this snowflake deserves an unearned advantage that no other student may have, I will grant the exception. I have never done this, because I'm sure I'd get takers.

  5. "I'm like SO disappointed with my grade"

    I have a friend who responds to such statements by shaking her head sadly and saying, "So am I."

  6. Is it like, you know, SO piling it on to repeat "gregarious" should be, like, "egregious"? And "ruberic" is, like, "rubric"?

  7. Really? You are focusing on the spelling of my post? Sad. Luckily I have enough going on in my life just to laugh.

    1. Really, "gregarious" had me thrown for a minute. Misspelling is one thing, using a word so wrong that it's misleading is another.

    2. I did find it a little giggle-worthy that a post criticizing a student's writing was also poorly written, but I think it's a fine indicator of what happens when we read too many crappy papers.

    3. Get real, friend.

      Word choice: 1
      Missing comma: 2
      Misspellings: 5

    4. I assumed the errors were on purpose. To spell receive wrong? To spell disappointed wrong? Not to mention a couple of commas.

      I think FML's just fighting fire with fire.

  8. I too assumed they were perposefull.
    The "groan" email picture has me LOLing and LOLing. Kudos to whoever made that.


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