Monday, March 5, 2012

Queen of the Fairy Hamsters: Snowflake Mail

Snowflake: "Hi there,  I was wondering if you had a list of things I should be studying for the quiz next wednesday."

MAUm. No? "Everything that we've covered since the last quiz. " 

Snowflake:  " Dear professor Academic, 

I am going over the Ode to Hamsters and I am very confused about last half. I understand up to the point when Hamsterina, Queen of the Fairy Hamsters reveals herself to Prince Rodent. After that I'm really confused as to who Rat, Chinchilla, and Raccoon are - how does the story come to a conclusion? Does Prince Rodent become immortal? What happens to Hamsterina and all the baby hamsters?

Could you let me know your office hours if it will take you too long to type out a response to my question? Thank you very much for your help."

MA: headdesk.  "I'm so sorry you missed the entire last lecture and the one before it!  My next office hours are after the next quiz, but I will be in my office from 1:30 to 2:30 today if you'd like to come by to review." 

 Foolishly makes a point of sitting in her office for the entire hour, to the sound of crickets...


  1. Have one professor right now that only posted a generic syllabus with no schedule. No class website. No posted notes even though he looks like he's lecturing off printed ppt slides. Homeworks come from the mildly recommended textbook and not the required textbook.

    You can understand my frustration. But I don't care as long as I pass with a D so I can graduate.

    1. SO you're complaining because you actually have to make an effort to learn something? Or are you trying not to learn? I'm confused.

  2. I never post notes, even though I also lecture off ppt slides. I used to, but it seemed to give students the idea that as long as they downloaded the posted ppt slides, they didn't have to come to class because nothing worthwhile was happening in the lecture.

    If that were true, I wouldn't have to show up myself: I'd just post the ppt slides on the website and we could all stay home.

    Teaching is more than the transfer of notes from my desktop to yours.

    1. YESSSSS! And learning is more than reviewing notes to reproduce on a quiz!

    2. I totally understand wanting to avoid the complacency that often comes with providing slides, but I have to admit I was always happy to have them, even if the slides themselves were mostly just images or diagrams.
      I managed just fine in classes that didn't provide them of course, but there was always something nice about having a neat binder or folder containing slide packets for each chapter/topic, with my own notes from the lecture written next to the appropriate slide.

      I've actually kept some of these binders in lieu of the corresponding textbooks.

    3. If I ever had a lecture written more than 8 minutes before I had to give it, I might upload the diagrams etc before class. I do upload the images for which they are responsible, so they can study for the quiz.

  3. OMG, Ode to a Hamster is my favorite! "More furry love! More furry, furry love!"

  4. I want to read all this hamster literature. Someone needs to get on to writing it and posting it here for our delectation.

  5. But you never told us that would be on the quiz.... waaaaaaaaail.


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