Friday, April 20, 2012

Good Evaluations Gone Wild

It's that time of the term again. I hate those damned golf pencils.

I like to think of myself as relatively well-liked by my students; I teach History and Theory of Hamster Fur Weaving in an Applied Hamster Fur Weaving and Hamster Fur Design department, so my subfield's courses are understood as thoroughly dreary and difficult ("Footnotes?! What?! HOW many pages?!"). I am, however, able to rap on these hip cats' level pretty well, making the occasional beer or fixed-gear-bike reference, drop in a casual curse word or self-deprecating joke, while smuggling some new information into their heads to my satisfaction. I don't think I'm an overly easy grader, and I think they respect my position and I don't get much abuse from them, and it's all ok and mutually respectful.

I get the inevitable occasional bad evaluations--I'm aware of my weaknesses-- and the usual spurious bad evaluations ("As an engineering major, I must say that this is the most pointless class EVAR", or "Speak too fast. I can no understand because talk too fast and not slow down", or "I wish we'd have more discussion about our opinions" (the opinions on Middle Byzantine Hamster Fur Weaving Historiography you developed in high school?. . . good luck with that) and the helpful input about pedagogy and 'learning styles' that tends to come from Sophomore Education majors with the zeal of new converts).

Also trouble, however, are many of the 'good' evaluations. I mean, thanks, but what can you do with this stuff?

  • "She's fucking hysterical"
  • ('What did you like best about this course?') "I like all of the drug and video game references". ("What could be improved in this course?") "More drug and video game references!"
  • "I like her Converse."
  • "I like all the video game references. ASSASSINS CREED WOO!"
  • "I like how she mentioned Metallica when were were talking about Pericles."
  • "She's really fucking funny."

I just imagine these being read out loud in the pre-tenure evaluation committee meetings.

What pretty much thoroughly positive but unuseful praise have you gotten from students? Anything particularly memorable?


  1. When I was a TA in grad school, I got one that read "You are sexy and delicious." As one of my fellow TAs observed when informed of this, "Obviously, someone who never went to any of your sections."

  2. "Cute and funny."

  3. "If teaching were a superpower, she would be in the Justice League."

  4. "He dresses like Al Borland." I had to Google this to learn he's a character from 'Home Improvement'. I'd say that was a fairly accurate observation. I took it as a compliment.

  5. He's a nice looking, thin, middle aged gentleman.

    Why does he keep reviewing our 2nd reading? It's not the Quran for goodness' sake!

    It's not fair that we have to read the textbook. His PowerPoints should summarize the book for us.

    He's very funny and works out.

    He's sarcastic.

    1. David, did you just add the "from Sesame Street?" Is this the same David from earlier posts?

  6. "Loved the video about 'A Tale of Two Titties'."

    I'm pretty sure the student was referring to this, which I sometimes show on slow days in my comp classes, but I wonder what my chair made of it.

  7. "There's too many readings about non-western hamsters." NOTE: the class is entitled "20th Century Literature of Nonwestern Hamsters."

    "Why does the professor wear the same shoes all the time? Don't they make money to buy shoes?" NOTE: I, too, wear Converse, but apparently they're not likable.

    "I didn't know when TCC was being sarcastic so I couldn't take notes" NOTE: just go with anything that sounds implausible, you idiot.

    1. It means my ulcer grows, insidiously, day by day. :o)

    2. That's like the old remark, "We spent a whole semester on western civilization and he didn't mention cowboys or gunfights even once."

  8. "It's really hard to sleep in her classes, she makes them too interesting"

  9. "She's like a one-woman production of 'Chicago'."

    1. I'm trying to imagine what this comment meant. . .

    2. Whatever it means, sign me up for some of that!

  10. I would prefer it
    I really would,
    if they'd insert the pencils
    in a dark neighborhood.

  11. "Nice tits"

    Note: at a time when said tits were quite a lot youngers and perkier.

  12. You know what's sad? I can't remember a single positive comments, and I get lots. Only the negative ones stay with me. And now I shall go drink.

  13. My favorite is still: "The desks in this room are really hard to get in and out of. I got stuck one day."

  14. "The best and worst class I have ever take. The information is great but The as she grades is way harsh."

    "The information was great! BUT I dreaded this class. The essay tests are ridiculous-I did get an A on both-but seriously? Just knowing the information isn't enough, you have to write it from an analytical perspective."

    I provide good information, but shouldn't test them on it.

    1. Darn that analytical perspective. Gets me every time. I much prefer the memorizing perspective or the guessing perspective. Sometimes, when I'm well prepared, I teach from the theory perspective. But I avoid analysis if at all possible.

  15. Still my favourite from a few years ago: "Unleash the mohawk!"


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