Monday, July 9, 2012


  1. Hmm. Well, either it's July, last week was a holiday week, some proffies still get at least part of the summer off, and large parts of the country have been suffering various sorts of severe weather/natural disasters/power outages, or. . .

    the page is dying. Raw data can be so hard to interpret. Either way, good job, RGM(s).

    1. And the sidebar is telling me I can earn up to $200/hr as a health coach. If that were true (and that sneaky little "up to" weren't included), I'd be sorely tempted, though I'm not sure I'd have much credibility in the position. Maybe I should just try writing a health column (and be sure not to include a picture).

  2. Can we see a scatterplot of number_of_posts by hits?

    1. A scatterplot is that place in the back of a cemetery where they leave the ashes of incinerated corpses, right?

      And the sidebar is telling me to get a degree at Hallmark College. Do they teach how to make greeting cards there?

      I am pleased, aghast, pee-oh'd, and so drunk.


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