Thursday, July 5, 2012

Sent In By "Feivel in the Funkhouse." The Big Thirsty on Young People.

We had an unfortunate discussion in class today.

We had finished reading an essay about technology. The article says that young people are fucking their social skills by overuse of Facetwitter.

My students holler "P'shaw!"

I said, "I can understand using social media in order to invite a desired one to a meeting spot. But unless you put the iPhone down, how will the lovemaking commence?"

One wiseacre said, "We can do that on the phone, too."

And I said, "Not if you want to do it right."

Q: Do you think I'd be better off working in retail?


  1. Not selling iPhones, you're not.

  2. Maybe....if you are selling these:

  3. Can you please repeat the question? I was texting.

  4. If you think your interactions in retail are going to be any more meaningful than this, then yes! You'd probably make more money, too.

  5. Frontline did a great episode called DIGITAL NATION, about young people who claim to be able to multitask due technological advances. Studies were done. It found that people basically don't multitask well - they simply interrupt one task with something like checking FaceTwitter.

  6. Do NOT help them learn to reproduce!!!!

  7. A recent study found that 12 percent of "younger moms" use their phones *during* sex. So apparently they've found a way that allows for reproduction, if not, I suspect, much satisfaction. I'm not sure where I originally read about it, but here's a link to one article: .

    1. Does this involve setting the ringer to "vibrate"?

    2. My God, MAM, it's too early to be laughing that hard!

  8. I always like the joke about the prof who said there were no acceptable excuses for missing an exam. One smirking wiseacre asked, "What about sexual exhaustion?"

    "Then," the prof replied, "you'll have to write with your other hand."


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