Monday, July 9, 2012

Oh No.

I steady trickle of emails have come to me about this story, and quite few folks wanted us to follow up the earlier post with this vidshizzle.

PS: Sorry about the ad; Hulu is the embedded ad king.


  1. Wonderful. Parents are encouraging a student's teachers to deface a book and then treat it like a gift.

    Sweetheart, you are not special just because your parents did this for you.

    1. Wow, Beaker, can I buy you a drink? This is even Grinchier than I usually feel.

      Hey, the kid *is* special to her own parents, which is as it should be. I'd rather read about this than about the umpteenth kid left in a hot car to die or starved by her parents.

      And once you buy a book it is yours to write in. Come over and check out the marginalia in my academic books sometime.

  2. I usually hate shit like this, but Dad won me over.

  3. "There's really no words" about expresses it all.

  4. As a parent I still think it was a cool idea. As an educator, I agree with what someone wrote on the last post----if every student's parents wanted the teachers to do this, that would add too much of a workload for the teachers at the end of the year, which is already a busy time.

    And actually, my 8th grader had all the teachers she really liked sign her yearbook on the last day of school, a day pretty much reserved for things like that. Same for when she graduated from 5th grade. (I know----the graduations are crazy!)

  5. I don't have a problem with this. How is it different from signing yearbooks, except that it's retroactive?


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