Thursday, September 13, 2012


The "Post(s) of the Week" images are just a joke. We're not trying to "drive serious readers" away, nor are we "insensitively mocking" our readers. Well, maybe we are, but so what?

It all started when someone wondered if it was okay to have more than one "post of the week." We thought it was funny to take the POW designation away from Hiram and give it to DrunkInaMidnightChoir. Then we got some panicked emails about that, then we went crazy and did the current POW images that adorn all of the posts on the front page.

We're not "over tired from exerting futile effort to keep the page relevant," nor are we "flailing away in an attempt to reward banal entries."

Shit. We've removed a handful of comments in the past couple of minutes, most of them from longtime readers who misread the situation. And we've been encouraged to make this general statement so as not to "anger readers who may not be as hip as [we] think [we] are."

Again. Shit. We used to think we knew who read the page. But at times it seems as if we don't at all.


  1. Just for the record, I didn't complain. I thought it was funny. I still do.

    I feel sorry that Compound Cal made his daughter pose for that terrible photo to the right, however.

    1. I'm encouraged to think that one of our moderators may, in Reality TV life, be one of those entertainingly competent stage parents on Toddlers and Tiaras.

  2. I liked the added "s" to "Posts" and thought that very creative, but the new graphic is AMAZING in a College Misery kind of way! LOVE IT. Trophy worthy.

  3. Oh god, is that Honey Boo-Boo Child? Aggggh.

    And is it too much to suggest that the misery must be really bad out there if so many people need to get a life?

  4. Oh, fuhgoodnesssake. Some people take this place way, way too seriously. (And yes, I know that sounds strange coming from someone who spends too much time commenting, but really!).

    And the new graphic is excellent, both in itself, and as a demonstration of the ultimate result of the "trophies for all" approach. If we don't watch out, the awards around here are going to end up sounding like the titles at a Shriners' lodge (with apologies to the Shriners out there; yes, I know many of you do good charitable work, and I support that. But the titles and the outfits are still pretty funny, you've got to admit.)

    1. Wait. How come I didn't get my POW? Just because I didn't post this week, that doesn't mean I shouldn't get one!

  5. I'm about ready to send Fab on vacation again. Fab, my brother, let the bullshit just slide right on by.

    Some of the mail that comes in is really quite extraordinarily dumb. There is lots of nice and supportive mail, of course, and this is something that I don't think is widely known. Lots of folks are deathly afraid of commenting or logging in on the page, so there's always a nice set of emails that just say, "Thanks for being there."

    But, man, there are some wackjobs, too, who take ANY opportunity to be a martyr for some imagined sleight. That Fab keeps it mostly hidden is a real testament to how much he cares for us.

    PS: Not Honey Boo Boo in the graphic, but now I regret I didn't think of that!!!

  6. Laughed my ass off scrolling down the page. Awesome.

  7. Clearly it is long past time I came back here and straightened y'all out. Let me boil down the Rules of Misery:


    So, we're done here, right?

  8. Moderators have always whined about how hard their job is and I've been generally insensitive to their plight. I apologize with all seriousness. Having to type "go fuck yourself" to every stupid email complaint would get to me too. Hang in there.

    1. They could just use Copy and Paste, maybe. :)

    2. Hell, it's a computer fer cryin in the rain. Just write a macro!

  9. Why don't you just follow the trends in modern parenting and education and make all the posts the Post of the Week?

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I like the trophy for every post! My students also feel that just by turning in their homework, it means they should earn all the points that are possible.

  12. Yikes, Fab. It sounds like you got an overdose of foolish, humor-challenged responses. Fornicate 'em.

    I agree with TCC; it is time for some RGDEM. If you post these, I promise to contribute my share of taunts, gibes, and mockery.

  13. There's a reader Who thinks tHat adding thAt spare 's' to 'PosT of THe WEek' is 'insensitively mocking' Fellow readers? If you go looking for one, yoU'll always find an insult in any string of words put together. Can you find it, somewhere in the mucK?

  14. I few speshul now that everyone got a PsOW this week.

  15. Please tell me that whoever complained was going to put their POW citation on their c.v., but now can't bring themselves to boast about it.......

  16. You used to think you knew who read the page? This presumption is dangerous on the Interwebs. Imagine my dismay when I found out that Marcia Brady wasn't the real Marcia Brady!


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