Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Special Twitter Pre-Release of a New Midterm Exam VidShizzle!

Becauze we are on the Twit-tip. Because we are crazzy about the Twitterverse. Because Cal had no classes today!

For our Twithead Mizerians, check out the Twit-shit VidShizzle of the week...

It's a pre-release. It ain't available on the old-school blog format, at least not for about 9 freakin' hours. That's a lifetime in the modern ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyge. 

Browse or fly or whateverthefuck to wherever this is to see the new shizzle. Jesus, that fruity drink from Pappadeux's is kicking our weenie ass!


  1. Fab, you and Cal have got to lay off the daytime drinking.

    Saw the vidshizzle before you even announced it. A classic. Great stuff.

  2. Hey. Didn't our last foray into twitterdum lead to a shit-ton of trolls taking over the site and shutting down comments?

    We are awesome at killing things.

    1. You're right, AM. I don't think Fab is running it, but some other longtime RYS/CMer. It's been going again for a while.

  3. Oh, and to reply to a couple of emails I got direct, the vidshizzle will appear her tomorrow morning, about 3 am Pacific.

  4. I love the Twitter feed -- I extend my eternal thanks to the kind soul(s) who resurrected it. You haters don't know what you're missing. Twitter is basically the crack of the Interwebz.


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