Friday, October 19, 2012

When I Was in College, The Most Exotic Meal I Ever Cooked Was a Hot Dog in a Sink of Hot Water.

Cooking In College: Seasoned pork chops with quinoa
from The Northern Light, Univ of Alaska - Anchorage

Contrary to many college students’ beliefs, one does not need to be a wealthy chef to eat well.

While many college diets are likely to be primarily comprised of caffeine, instant noodles, alcohol, Subway, drunken nachos and more caffeine, setting aside a few hours to cook something will not only ease one’s mind, but it will also ease his or her caffeine-knotted stomach.

With the addition of a few extra items, most kitchens have the essentials necessary to bake this seasoned pork chop recipe.

Requiring only about 45 minutes of prep time, this recipe offers a timely method for preparing quality food. And with the oven doing most of the work, its definitely possible for the average cook.

If the pork to be cooked is not yet thawed, now is the time to do so.

After thawing the meat, mix Worcestershire sauce, soy sauce, ketchup, sesame seeds, olive oil and lemon juice into a large mixing bowl or wide glassware tray. Ensure the container is large enough for two pounds of meat and all seasoning sauces that will be used in this recipe.


1 comment:

  1. That is too much work. Try this one.

    Put pork chop in hot fry pan.
    Flip when it starts to burn.
    Dump in one can Cream of Mushroom soup.

    Add leftover rice/pasta/french fries or whatever roommate left in fridge.

    Serve to girlfriend.

    Hope mid-term goes better than date.


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