Friday, October 5, 2012

Who's With Me?

I will reduce the size of my avatar,
if we will all just share our misery,
instead of creating it among each other.

Let us not bury the blog in meta-complaints,
but turn our sights back on the real evils,
snowflakes, that Dean, the colleague across the hall.

I am yours, in Yaro's manner,
Dick Tingle.


  1. I'm with you, Dick. Ooh, I hate calling him Dick.

  2. Yeah, I'm in, too.

  3. Goddamn Sophie's choice!
    Why can't we both reduce the meta-complaints and get the gigantic awesome Dick Tingle avatar?
    I want both.

  4. I am with you, and against you at the same time. Let chaos rule!

  5. I never said I liked you smaller ... but yes to less meta- and more micro-complaining.

  6. I like it. Less blog, more misery.

    I feel all...tingly.

  7. A guy called Dick Tingle worried about whether his thing is big enough is a bit much, don't you think? But refraining to inflict misery on each other is a good idea.

  8. Dick, I completely agree! And I want you to know, I think you should stay the same size you have always been!

  9. Yaro, I could use a good dose of Yaro right now.


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