Saturday, November 10, 2012

Employment experts say college students should be told about job prospects, potential salary. From (Green Bay, WI).

A national employment expert says the U-W should start telling prospective students what their chances are for getting jobs in the fields they pursue – and how much they can expect to be paid. Anthony Carnevale of Georgetown University told U-W Regents yesterday that higher education is part of the market system. And as students shop around for colleges, they should know in advance how each particular school can help them the most in achieving their career goals.

Carnevale says prospective students should be told whether others in their fields of study find related jobs soon after getting out of school – so they can know whether attending a certain college would pay off or not. Carnevale says a growing number of jobs will need at least some college education – and women will almost have to attend college to have any hope of making a living wage.

He said that by 2018, over six-of-every-10 Wisconsin jobs will need at least a year of technical college training. In a national report on job prospects, Carnevale said Wisconsin will create 139,000 jobs by 2018 that need some type of post-secondary education – while only 52,000 more jobs can go to high school grads or drop-outs. And he students won’t necessarily need four-year degrees to get ahead. He said men with a year of technical training can make more money than a quarter of those with bachelor’s degrees.


  1. What deems someone an "employment expert"?

  2. All our tech programs have some kind of employment stat attached to them. I was quite shocked to learn that someone with really fast typing skills in court reporting can earn more than I do, even if I teach summer school. Some states have what they call "gainful employment" laws that require all degree plans to list what percentage of their graduates have jobs within a certain number of years of graduation. For arts and sciences, however, there's a workaround in that if someone goes to grad school, he or she is considered "gainfully employed."


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