Thursday, February 14, 2013

What the Fuck is Up, Montana?


  1. I'm proud that my dot is so big.

  2. Dear RGM,

    I made a perfectly wonderful vidshizzle, and you top posted a self-aggrandizing (and clearly invented) heat map. I would like to delete my account and have my nameplate removed from the clubhouse.

    You have nine minutes.

  3. Whew. I didn't make the map. Sometimes it pays to step away for a few minutes.

    Either that or it's all made up.

    1. I didn't make it ON the map. (Just sayin' for clarification.) I have No comment about the production of the map in question.

  4. In answer to a couple of emails, and in response to earlier complaints about any data being easily linked to posting and/or comment times, the heat map above shows an 18 hour period on the site some number of days ago.

    1. Are these the same complainers who think Twitter postings are private messages between friends and should remain private?

  5. I want those people in Pullman and those people in Moscow to go on a triple blind date.

  6. OMG, you totally just outed me. Everyone will know I'm the pimple-sized dot up there.

  7. At least Montana has an excuse, but what's up with Maine?

  8. Looks like a good bit of activity in my neck of the woods.

    1. What, the entire Eastern seaboard?

    2. That giant dot over Utah proves there's only four of you!

  9. I don't have a dot! I want a dot! Give me a dot now or I will sue you for $1.3 million. You have stolen my whole career.

    1. I was surprised this article didn't get a bit more commentary yesterday.

    2. This Chronicle article is actually kinda lame - other articles I read on the matter had much more interesting details. For example, how her father, who was a full professor, would accompany her to meetings dealing with this dispute. I'm surprised the father hasn't taken more a hit due to his participation in all this.

  10. This is not fair. Because all those other dots overlay mine, no one can see that I am here--that I am always, ALWAYS here. Please make my dot green, and move it to overlay that gross heap of muted reds and chanker pinky-browns.

    *I* am giving you FIVE minutes.

  11. Yeah, this dot map isn't accurate at all. There is so much novelty on this job misery forum, which is how I look at it, that I lurk around enough to get a brown dot. At most, the furthest southern dot I see would be Waukegan.


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