Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Stink.

I hate it when students come to my office after several days without bathing, and then sit in my chairs and spread their stink around for me to enjoy for the next hour.  That's the worst.


  1. I also love it when their papers smell of cigarettes.

  2. Yuck: the kind where you can taste the smell? That's the worst. Sometimes when doing one-on-one conferencing, boys will come in with breath just reeking (brush those teeth, dude!). But a morning class with many, many perfumed girls always gives me a headache, too.

  3. Fortunately, here at church-affiliated SLAC, we don't get much of that.

  4. Sometimes in the lab we play a game called "Guess the odor".

  5. The worst is when they try and cover unwashed odors with extra aftershave or 'male cologne' - gag!!!

  6. For what it's worth, I have encountered some stinky facutly in my time as well. Especially when you jam 15-20 of them around a conference table for an all-day scoring workshop...

  7. Today I wore Arpege. I'm sure I offended many students. But I thought I smelled great.

  8. Body odors don't bug me nearly as much as patchouli or too much Axe. But what really distracts me about some students (and strangers on airplanes) is scummy teeth, especially when accompanied by strings of saliva.

  9. I once had a student whose "aroma" made me believe that the concept of personal hygiene was completely alien to him and he had no idea what soap and water were good for. I was reluctant to give him any assistance in the computer lab as the smell was truly offensive.

  10. I have one of those Orthodox censers and I start burning this mishmash of the funkiest crud I found in weird shops and that funk counteracts their funk.

    You can whack `em in the head, too.

  11. I should (but won't) say the same thing to these students that I say to guys at the gym who clearly haven't washed their gym clothes: "When is the last time you washed your gym clothes? Just tell me this, was it before or after Obama became president?"

  12. I have a few stenchy ones, but this semester I am also blessed with one who comes in reeking of reefer, so I can at least get a contact high.


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