Thursday, March 28, 2013

Today's VidShizzle: Welcoming the New Visiting Assistant Professor.


  1. I love the line about sticking the plant up his ass. Oh, if we could only say what we feel! Love it, Cal, thanks.

    1. The scene: My office, lunch time, computer on College Misery, open container of chicken and noodles on my desk.
      I take a big bite of chicken and noodles
      "That was all grunts and hiccups to me"
      Half-chewed chicken and noodles all over my computer and desk.

  2. It would be funnier,
    if it wasn't so true,
    this is a little gift,
    from me to you.

  3. Either Xtranormal has gotten better in quality, or this features some editing improvements. Cool. Funny stuff. Do one about the demise of the blog!

    1. I was intrigued that it seemed to be sounding out "shit" (or at least "shit" sounded different). Maybe that's not a standard/accepted word in Xtranormal's vocabulary?

  4. You nailed it, Cal.

  5. I had to love "You were full of shit then, and you're full of shit now."

    I was a VAP once. It was like every goddamn day of work was a job interview. Exhausting.

  6. Extranormal? Is it 2010 again?

  7. This is the funniest thing I've seen this week. :)

  8. "Oh, that's uncomfortable. But I'll pretend you said something really nice, and maybe you'll think I'm agreeable."

    That was me, nearly every day in my 20s and 30s. What a relief it is to be graying and tenured and to have the confidence to stare the fuckers down.

    Great vid, Cal! Keep 'em coming!

  9. My only objection is that, at least in my experience (at several schools), the TT professor's spouse often does get a non-TT full-time slot (often as part of the hiring deal). On the other hand, the spouse often does end up teaching nothing but comp, so that part seems accurate.

  10. This just made my day. I was feeling bitter and angry and demoralized, and I really needed the laugh. Thanks!

  11. Tell me that wasn't the chair. Actually it probably wasn't, or his wife would have got the job.


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