Friday, May 17, 2013

This about says it all...


  1. Any ammo we have left over from Walt's fraternity tour will be deposited in this guy.

  2. Our whole Tutoring and Mentoring Office seems to operate on this premise.

  3. Never mind helping the student, this is the quickest way to transform hir deficiencies into the next person's problem (which, of course, is probably why the student is struggling in the first place).

  4. Must . . . control . . . fist . . . of . . . death!

  5. Original link source:

    Also try putting your cursor over the red circle at the bottom.

  6. I've had something worse than that happen to me.

    In a number of my courses, I had students who failed but whose grades qualified them to write supplemental exams. Few of them ever requested to write the exam and, mysteriously, managed to pass.

    Clearly, someone higher up had deliberately changed the grades I submitted. Those students earned, say, 40% and still got full course credit.

  7. I am so glad that I teach math.

    1. The situations I referred to in my earlier comment were for technical courses. The most complex math involved either trig or quadratic equations. Those students who miraculously passed those courses after obviously failing them clearly demonstrated that they couldn't handle simple algebra or, often, use proper trig identities.

      Now here's a scary thought for you. Someone gets, say, 40% in a course and is given a passing grade of 50%. That person goes into industry and, perhaps, helps design a bridge or a building. They quite likely remembered, maybe, half of what they learned, so they retained, perhaps, only 20% of the course material. That means that there's a 20% chance that whatever they do will be done properly.

      How many people would be willing go over a bridge or into a building that might have an 80% of being defective? Unfortunately, that sort of thing might be possible if an administrator decides to raise a failing mark to a marginal pass.


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